Heart's A Mess
it makes no sense but i'm desperate to connect
August 31, 2008
we all need a little tenderness,

I missy liannuy in brissy:(

Okay anywhos spent most of the afternoon at home/ Mustafa:D ddid serious shopping orh:P

well not exactly shopping. groceries more like.

Fasting month starts tmr. Whoot!  I get to lose weight. You be my witness.

I now weigh 47.6272kg which is approx. 105 pounds.
If I dont lose weight, then screw it. 

11:05 PM
August 30, 2008


you really can endure, that you really are strong and you do have worth and you learn.

if you've got things you wanna say,
I'll fly the million miles just to listen.
Even if that means having to fork out money when I'm broke.

Where You're Going, You Don't Know?
Well I can't be certain,
but I'm sure I'll be there with You.

You Take Away The Melody,
You're still left with a beat right?
That beat would be me,
Just pass me those drumsticks.

And if you still Don't Believe me,
I'll buy handcuffs and lock us together!


8:18 PM
I was her, she was me, we we one, we were free

i lost me,
and you lost you

1:07 PM
August 29, 2008
haha. My blog, so screww you:D

I called Divya just now. Damn funny. It was super random. But i forgot most of it hahaha. and our convo endedcause my phone died. Thanks uh, Thanks. Divya says I remind her of KH:(

I'm getting turned on by a p6 boy. oh great. I must find the switch. hahaha sorry bad joke uh.

everyboy call me cheerleader. like what the fu-x-ia.

My mee-ooo-zikk keels me and saves me. so do my friends. 


8:28 PM
yo! again.

Liana went offline to go to the airport. 8 days without her online. I MISS MY LOVELY ALR! :(

I hope this post is slightly more positive:)

shit I need to pee

you didn't need to know that. sorry.


I was pigging out again just now. I managed to finish a bowl of beef noodles for lunch just now. I also ate cheese fries and popcorn chicken. I think that was 'sposed to be dinner. I won't survive:( but it's okay cause the FASTING MONTH is coming soon to muslims near you! haha sorry. but yay! it's like dieting that's compulsory and actually healthy! Yes cause it was a regime planned by ALLAH! (God) so 'course it's healthy:D plus I get to lose weight. Maybe I can transfer it to Nick, so she doesn't have to eat so much. 

i want to delete that cause it seems so fake cause i'm still a little emo but i shan't.

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6:30 PM
&there's no turning back, I'm working the 9 to 5(lalalalalalalalala)

Today was AWESOMEZZ POSSUMZZ FOURSOMEZZZ. yes. okay no to the foursome part and there went any possums involved... haha. Went to visit Mrs Tan and Cikgu Az. I um didn't give presents cause i didn't have tme to buy what with rehearsals for performances and stuff. yeah.

SORRY MARS! All the councillors organizing the concert were damn stressed out. 

i also got to spend time with Fatin:D and Sayang and Cousin:D as in Illya and not Nicholas. haha

Waited with kh... well kinda... till 1pm in class after math. yeah. So fun right with my XXXX. 

no lah. we were both damn stoned. Lunched alone cause i was hungry at fork and spoon while the 2/7 peoples were talking and joking.

I dont think Melissa likes me very much. but whatever uh. CAUSE ME WHOLE WORLD REVOLVES AROUND PLEASING MELISSA RIGHT? (note the sarcasm)

4:58 PM
August 26, 2008

BPK Penabur sure has a lot of schools. One from god knows where came to school today for a visit and they'll be here till Friday. I don't really like my buddy cause she's quiet and i think she's already bored of me and I haven't gotten used to her yet, i guess. Oh. Somehow, my buddies always have an accident. Like Angiee and dropping her noodles, then now, Michella spilling her drink in the AVA. Uncle Francis looked annoyed. SORRY UNCLE FRANCIS! but you know we cant stop gravity. 

Michella is dang tall, I swear. She's like 1.72m and that is TALL! to me at least since i'm only 1.55m and that is SHORT. She plays volleyball, while I'm into the dramatics. 


I think it's cause Angiee wasn't so quiet and she talked to me and she was F-U-N, FUN!  GARH!

I still have to spend tomorrow, Thursday and Friday with her, Michella i mean. I hope at least we'll both loosen up. Swap e-mails and stuff. 

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7:50 PM
August 25, 2008
&&though i might be wrong, my light is always on

"Come on, take a step towards me
So you can figure me out
I've been hoping and praying for a single way
To show you what I'm all about
And I know, and I know this is the only way of pleasing the crowds
But when this is over and done with and we walk away
There should be no doubts"
                      -The Scene Aesthetic- Beauty in The Breakdown

"would you be scared if i told you I liked you?"

I don't know what's wrong with me today. I feel lousy and useless and worthless. If this is PMS, well IT'S ABOUT TIME! almost 2 months late. That's a long time luh can? Shimona was like,"ARE YOU PREGNANT?!" and i said," HECK NO!". Sheesh. Who do you think I am? but it's okay 'cos it was a joke luh. We don't bullshit about these things.  Finished watching Drum Line during CME today. Some thing on 'INTEGRITY' and i was like,"pfft. please luh, it's like every other 'inspirational/motivational' movie that's been made but never premiering on the big screen" It's the same storyline. Lead character has challenge, protagonist and antagonist thing, overcomes the challenge, wins reward/girl/prize. In this case its the girl and the prize is that he's back as a P-1 in the drum-line.  BORING!! Give me something unconventional and funny and maybe educational and i might take away something. Speaking of take-away, I'm hungry but i can't eat till 7+pm cause I'm paying back all of last year's fast. gosh. So it's today all the way up till Thursday. I still had PE. God is kind and loving cause I didn't feel hungry or tired at all during PE. I've got approximately 2h left to fast. But like as long as break my fast on time, I don't really care how much longer have left to abstain. Wait, I think I just contradicted myself but whatever la.

"and I’ll try to keep you close to me (x3)"

4:50 PM
August 24, 2008

Haha. Like Lightningzxzxz the kewlest luh can?

I'm so screwed for Art luh can? I don't have my pic to print, cause i left my thumbdrive in the MacLab and forgot to get it back from Sayang on friday. I then conveniently forgot all about it until this morning, when I realised it was too late.

Why do I inflict this horrible torture upon myself?

Now, I'll hafta go face Mr my-breath-stinks-so-bad-flowers-can-die-from-it Raz. Dang.
puki mai I die luh can?


8:38 PM
August 23, 2008
This one's for the girls, who have ever had a broken heart.

I dedicate " This One's For The Girls" by Martina McBride to all my lovely peoples:
Starting with:
  1. NICOLETTE my kookaburra.
  2. Liana Gurung, sargeant of the GURKA contingent
  3. Shimzayye, Saira, Rina cause you is speciaux:D
  4. Yin Ying, for all th gossip, books and fangirl moments:D
  5. NISHA for all the times we've been through
  6. Kylie Chan for being the one who stops my laughing fits and laughing w me:D
  7. Lin Ying, FGF is AWESOMEZXZX
  8. and all the other people who've journeyed with me, whom I've hurt, whose Joy i've shared

You guys make me feel special, let me be myself, and this joy makes me feel so happy that i just wanna start crying

" Cause I'm Not Alone " - McFly /Not Alone/Room On The 3rd Floor

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9:46 PM
August 22, 2008

Why do you love me Lii?

Answer I'm hoping for: Because I want, cannot?

:D Yes Yes lii. I love you but what for?


My grandfather said: If you run, you will get tired!

My grandfather is very wise.

My grandfather also said: If you are smsing people, you either know them or they're mysterious people.

How wise is my grandfather?

7:15 PM
August 21, 2008

Sorry the vid is tiny. I was trying to squeeze t in there. haha

I'll remove it when i feel like it:P
Today, we stayed back to rehearse Teacher's Day item. Damn funny. We edited the script in the library and printed it there and cereal...box was like, " why can't i see your project if you are doing it in school?"
and then T. was like," Uh... cause its supposed to be a surprise for the teachers day concert... .Aren't you involved in it?"
Then cerealbox kept insisting that she wasn't involved and i was like -.-

Like forget the script. you only want to know why I was e-mailing Saira the script? -> to combine my new lines with hers. Cerealbox was only looking at me cause the signature at the bottom of my email was so bright. I was like what the hell lah. damn stupid can? I mean her for only asking all this bull cause of pinks and reds in my email. like -.- K-po Singaporean. rawr

8:42 PM
August 19, 2008
Cause we'll never get past Hellos, &I know you feel it

Today.... was an okay day I guess.


I walked to school w ShariShimmen, who is like the bomb luh can, miss our hugs and shari-qistina time like last year.

Was a completely normal during Malay, but its a little bit quieter- probably cause Fatin's not here no more:(

Science was completely boring as usual but I was appeased since I got half mark more for the test, 19/25:D Liana managed to pass:D

Liana wasn't feeling well, so she left early.
But before that, I gave her a part of my choc. chip POPTART deliciousness and you should have seen her face. Damn cute. Her face was all bright but she still sounded sick/tired and she said: POPTARTS? Where do you get these magical things? haha.

Went for recess w DA CREW - Shimona, Saira, Rina, Ying and Karina and Phyllis - pleasant change:D have missed having recess with them, Karina I mean, Phyllis-not so much.

Then we had math and all the other things, like Geog. OMGZXZ I LOVE POLAND!!! It's so pretty. I FKCUING HATE EUROPEAN COUNTRIES! THEYRE SUPER PRETTY:(

Then after school, we stayed back, w DA CREW- all my drama groupies akay. Damn funny. Ying and I couldn't stop laughing and i think we were the ones who laughed the hardest. IF I DONT GET ABS FROM ALL THIS, WELL THEN I'LL BE PISSED/SAD:(

7:48 PM
August 17, 2008

I couldn't blog cause I have too many projects to do. I still have one malay one left

Dang. :(

Must finish reading 2 books by this evening with the powerpoint :(

2:54 PM
August 11, 2008




3:09 PM