Heart's A Mess
it makes no sense but i'm desperate to connect
September 30, 2008
with my heart beside me.

hear my heart beat,
hear my voice speak your name,
hear it all
but you never understand that i need you.
Still, I dont get any stronger,
i'll just come back running.
will you take me for who i am?
and do it all over again?
it will never be the same
i've abandoned all defences,
and im left vulnerable.
my walls are down,
all i've known are cold, unfeeling hearts.
i wish i could leave it all behind,
i want to go where i wish to be.
i want you.
will you let me have you?
or will you let me down,
and just leave me like this?
for you alone can make my soul take flight.

"so sleep alone tonight, with no one here just by your side"

I'm tired. KXXHXX thought i was sad. Im not sure if i was. I think cause it was PMS but i don't know. I like your hugs thanks. I was comforted in class just now:D I'm tired, not just physically but mentally AND emotionally too. gosh. I wanna cry. I'm hoping this is mostly PMS. Now I'm SMSing KXXHXX and usually I'm happy to sms her or anyone really unless you're really annoying like AMb. not Ambra but AMb. Ambra is nice. Sigh. I wanna write a story now but it'd be too draining for me. Don't bite your lip to hold back your smile.

Omg. I'm tearing and hope i don't sob or at least sob quietly.


5:14 PM
Mayday Parade-Three Cheers For Five Years

And I swear that you don't have to go

I thought we could wait for the fireworks

And I thought we could wait for the snow

To wash over Georgia and kill the hurt

I thought I could live in your arms

And spend every moment I had with you

Stay up all night with the stars

Confess all the faith that I had in you (I had in you)

Too late, I'm sure and lonely

It's another night, another dream wasted on you

Just be here now against me

You know the words so sing along for me, Baby

For heaven's sake I know you're sorry

But you won't stop crying

This anniversary may never be the same

Inside I hope you know I'm dying

With my heart beside me

In shattered pieces that may never be replaced

And if I died right now you'd never be the same

I thought with a month of apart

Together would find us an opening

And moonlight would provide the spark

And that I would stumble across the key

Or break down the door to your heart

Forever could see us not you and me

Or you'd help me out of the dark

And I'd give my heart as an offering

Cause I will always remember you as you are right now to me

And I will always remember you now, remember you now

So sleep alone tonight with no one here just by your side

Sleep alone tonight

How does he feel, how does he kiss

How does he taste while he's on your lips

How does he feel, how does he kiss

I can't forget you

I know you want me to want you

I want to

But I can't forgive you

So when this is over don't blow your composure baby

I can't forget you

I know you want me to want you I want to

I can't forget you

I know you want me to want you I want to.


4:26 PM
September 29, 2008

Me : But Ms Nandar, What if he still doesn't get the fish?
M.N: Then He's just lousy.
Shimona: EH HIS NAME IS ROBIN. MY FATHERS NAME IS ROBIN. Are you saying my father is lousy?

Then we watched cartoon prawnz with ticket stubs during assembly. I was like OH MY GAH!

10:42 PM
September 26, 2008

My malay paper was like SHIT. I swear. The open-ended/objective comprehension was damn hard can? I was like WTFX. dang. I chop, stamp fail that one uh. But I chop, stamp get full marks for peribahasa (malay idioms) luh. Damn easy can? The answer was practically staring you in the face (cause it was easy and also cause the meanings were numbered, underlined and in bold:P).

But let's start with when i woke up.

I did the usual, get up at 5 to have brekkie then went back to sleep. was majorly tired and only woke up at 9.38 :O I woke up like 7mins before my alarm clock rang. I feel accomplished. I went to shower. Got to shampoo and condition my hair so now it's still very soft and nice smelling. Then I used the com for a bit. After that I watched Danial until bibik got back from sending Hana. Woman's got perfect timing. Came back 2mins before i planned to leave the house. Then I took the train to school. Met Hanisah at the SAM machine. She voluntarily waited cause she didn't want to go to school alone and 12.10 was too early to go to school. We reached school at 12.15 and wanted to go to the library but shorty got loose so it was closed. then we stoned(okay I stoned, Hanisah was guai and studied a little then she went to look out over the railings). And then 12.25? we went up. Liana (i think/hope/wish) was happy to see me cause she needed comforting. Her paper acc to her was hard and she didn't understand bits of her compre. Don't wory Lii. The Gurka contingent still will let you in. Death before Dishonour. Don't put your sword back till you get blood on it. Which means FIGHT TILL THE DEATH in your case, study hard and get good grades till the exam stress kills you. then i will be beside you crying my eyes out. This post is so verbose but i shall continue anyway. Had math till 2.15. Then i got my stuff from the locker and KXXHXX and XDX wanted to ask me stuff about some stuff. But i couldn't stay cause Hanisah and I had to rush off for HML papers 2&3. Which brings me back to the top bit.

AND THEN...I called XDX on the way home cause i wanted to know what was up with her and KXXHXX like in school just now. SO apparently have to watch what i do when ever i hang out with them or anybody else so that rumours don't start/spread. Cause of somethings I did which some people saw and also cause i was walking home with a FRIEND. sheeshmama(credits to Kyls). I think she's emo-mo now, she is. KXXHXX i mean. She's been major emo-mo lately. I can only sympathize with her. This reminds me of a malay idiom:
"Berapa berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu memikul."
It means that no matter how much we try to sympathize with someone and try to put ourselves in that persons shoes, It's harder for that person who has to bear all these problems. So basically, It's hard for me cause i'm trying to relate to her but I can't so what i do is sympathize and then its even harder for her cause she has to handle all her problems alone since no one can take them away. Wow. okay... ANYWAY, I can't go for FLH with Yin Ying, Wong because my momma won't lemme cause ill have to pay Ying back $168 for the tix. And i'm supposed to be saving for America. Plus, I also can't go and watch Twilight with DA CREWW on the 13th cause I'll still be in the US of A. I hope they don't mind waiting till the 17th to watch it. and That's if my parents let me. I also want to go for shimzayye's sleepover/halloween party eoy. I would be a pirate? Or a fairy princess or something. Maybe I can go as the FLASH(er) haha. save me money fom buying a costume. jkjkjkjkjkjk. That's immoral and damn gross. WOW. my parents'll be in a TIZZ. haha.

Shit it's still so fucken verbose mann. Wordy is good. 'Specially for essays.


8:59 PM

XOXO has influenced me a lot. I'm doing some stuff I've learnt from her that i didn't usually do. Except for that stupid thing you USED to do yeah? ILY<3

DXX! YOU TOO! Vent it out on me. I'll listen. I can't give you a solution cause that's not what i'm here for. I can only give you emotional support. I hope you understand why. ILYT<3

10:28 AM
September 20, 2008
Love's like a runway

Bursting at the seams with LOVE:D


Mood: I'm jumping in my seat. haha. what does that tell you?


8:55 PM
September 18, 2008
Oh, This is it now.

Made sausage rolls today during Home Ec. Mrs Lim pissed me off a little. I cried a lot today. I saw XOXO cry today and i've never seen her cry and it makes me feel sad seeing her cry:(
I don't even know what M's deal is please. It doesn't even make sense. XOXO didn't want me involved, she says Im not technically involved but maybe M thinks I am. No I dont like XOXO anymore. I was over her long ago (, though not so very long ago)

IMY NICKY. Good Luck Babe.

Tried to study but was too tired so i gave up trying. because learning is one of the things where you are allowed to not study when you are tired because then infomation wont go to the brain.
So I just sat there, listening to Stronger and trying to get the lyrics:P while Kelly and Beatrice who left early then Sarah Toh and Ju(l?)vian joined us too. They were cracking jokes about chinese. OMG damn retarded. imagine if for scrabble they made a version in chimese and you'd have to form words by using the strokes. I can inage something like this: SHIT! I CANT MAKE A WORD!!!! MY STROKES ALL THE SAME! ARGH!!!!! ahahaha.

I want Gaspard Ulliel.

I get to take the bus with Hanisah tmr. yay:D

"And the words they try to break me down with, They only make me stronger."


6:30 PM
September 13, 2008
ABBA-Chiquitita Especially For Nick, Lii and Nisha:D

8:50 PM
September 12, 2008

Today was an okay day for doubles(double periods) sigh. then Me, Ying and Lii went to popular after extra math. I couldnt find my mum's correction tape refill so i bought foolscap and envelopes for myself. Then we, well I, tryed looking for my piggie and gerald books but they weren't there:( so we oogled at The Jo Bros(excluding kevin) haha. I hate Nick's middle name, Jerry. eeeeee then we went to mcs where Ying took a fry from Ashley eventhough they didnt know each other. I was like -.- You CANT take other people's fries WHEN YOU DONT KNOW THEM! like -.- yeah Ying ran one whole round just to escape, and eventhough she runs faster than I do, I managed to catch her with my AWESOME SMARTITUDE hehXD

damn retarded can Ying?

8:40 PM
September 07, 2008

I haven't finished english yet. My brain/body's weak. I still have that compo to do along with the compre.  I also still have a math paper to do but i didn't get that one. 

after all I did help you with physics:D nehh

omg i is so in troublezz.

anway, today we went out for breakfast and we saw Uncle Rafik and family + Aunty Sri's 3 nephews. OOOO was there ahahaha. i use XXXX OOOO and XOXO to censor haha. I'm hungry. Gonna break fast with fried chicken:D and rojak bandung :puke: haha and yes I'll break fast but it's not breakfast cause technically it's dinner ahahaha.. if you don't get it, you sloww like a tortoise.



5:59 PM
September 06, 2008
Guess Who's Back? Back again.


haha yes. I bought poptarts:D apple cinnamon. um had tuition fnny as usual. Didn't do much that was constructive. dinner was yummy but it was last minute so it wasn't as great as it could have been. Yeah:D  my com is getting wonky. there isnt enough disk space on my c drive and everytime i click the disk cleanup it automatically goes off and no cleaning is done. This is a very very lazy com.

Fareed's mind is really sick asa in gross.  Seriously. And at this time of year. tsktsk.

I don't know what else to type haha. 

school starts monday. WHOOOHOOO!!!!!

9:18 PM
September 04, 2008

Today we had drama camp. It was okay, some parts were fun. But hey it couldn't be 20/20 perfect cause it was our first LD comm organised camp. So um yeah.

I was put in the same group as Sayang, Rina:D, Mel-Melody and YunJie but she didn't participate as much so i thought she was a little.... IDK boring I guess.  GO RED INDIANS:D (makes that noise with hand over mouth)
we coincidentally found a pic of red indians in the newspapers we got to make our shield:D

:Dirst we played whack-o :D uh huh YEAH! awesomeszxzxz. The game was super funny cause almost everyone had a slow reaction time and some people i.e. Kylie, Saira, Nisha, Gwen and me were screaming like nobody's business everytime our names were called. haha.

then we played some random string game and noone could get the solution then we gave up cause we ran out of time and then Sayang and I just decided to cut the rafia string around our wrists off. hahaha. 

After that was treasure hunt....long story there. 

then we had a lecture on Bertolt Brecht and that was good, i guess.
after that we were split into 2 groups, 1 group would go for improv and the other would go for phys. drama. damn fun. I was moving like a pidgeon most of the time. I lost my followers on purpose and boy were they hard to get rid of. haha Rina was doing Bhangra:D

after that we devised a scene and then we gave Ms P. quotes about the camp and being in LD. I rushed off cause my dad was waiting outside.

yeah I saw KH coming down the stars and i tried to smile but don't know if it was a smile smile cause i was running to the gate. Then like i walked out of school and my dad wasn't there. Thanks uh. Thanks. Then KH walked past me and she was like,"bye" and I just kinda nodded. yeah. haha pitiful man pitiful.

8:52 PM
September 03, 2008
I can keep rhythm with no metronome

"My reach is global
My tower secure
My cause is noble
My power is pure"

-Flobots- Handlebars

3:01 PM
September 02, 2008

My butt is hanging off the chair. ow. BUTT CRAMP, BUTT CRAMP!

My daddy got an iPhone for like $149. I can't wait for him to get bored of it. then I can use it:D


I want a new phone can?

a touch screen phone with like 4-8GB memory space. yeah then i can put all my music in it and only have to bring that to school and not get into trouble for bringing my MP3 player cause then technically it's my phone hehXD.

genius right.

I made a list of my holiday homework and  think it's f-ugly. damn. 


11:53 AM
September 01, 2008

"So tell me why
You see in me something 
That justifies
Your never-ending and unchanging love
Show me what I will become
I wouldn't blame you if you leave right now
Cuz I'll never cease to let you down.
Your love cuts like a knife into
The darkest part of me"

-Jordan Leick/ Darkest Part Of Me

2:15 PM
just hoping for my love to come around

busy busy busy

Note to self; I miss you terribly. Tragedy Travesty.

12:28 PM


Nicolette, call me then can gossip:P

10:29 AM