Heart's A Mess
it makes no sense but i'm desperate to connect
October 30, 2008

Draws me closer to you.
Hug me tight,
& Chase my fears away,
Just so I can breathe again.
I can trust you,
So know you can trust me too.
When you've said all that you wanna say,
Trust that i've listened.
Believe me I know,
I know how you feel.
So don't think you should leave me,
thats the worst thing you could do.
Promise me,
You'll never let me move further and further,
away from you.

I felt like writing a poem that reflects what i've learnt about some people. To those who've trusted me with their problems and rants and who've let me trust them with my problems. Thank you for caring :) 


10:16 AM
October 29, 2008


Just got back fro tuition and i really think i killed a couple of my supercomputers/neurons/braincells.  Indices is hardd like rocks yow. SURDS ARE HARD LIKE schnitzel yow.

like: a^m X a^n =a^m+n (^ as in power to)
then when it's divided, it's subtract 
then like a^m X b^m=(aXb)^m

confused? I sure am, kind of. The questions suck. Can't use calculator:(( 

I was laughing really hard. Sorry k, boredbuddy. LOVE YOU YOW!

Take This Silence Like A Pil says:
i don't know how, we'll cross that bridge when we get there.
kah hui says:
What bridge
kah hui says:
Take This Silence Like A Pil says:
figure of speech
kah hui says:
Take This Silence Like A Pil says:

I FEEL EMPTY INSIDE:( anyway, i better finish packing to go to shimzy's tmr. HORROR MOVIE MARATHON. Please don't let there be any scenes where a girl gets murdered in the toilet or smthg cause then i wouldn't dare take a shower unless you wait outside for me. haha. BYE YOW. Last update tmr morning then saturday.

10:12 PM

Woke up at like 6.40 AM to go shower and changed to meet Liana and Ying at Macs before going to school for the drama showcase rehearsal (which my group dropped out of by personal choice). We were talking random things, I REMEMBER ELEPHANTS YOWW! cause we were listening to some radio station they played at Macs. Then we walked to school, Liana was sending ransom smses to Saira who knew it was Liana because "ONLY YOU (liana) ARE STUPID ENOUGH TO DO THESE KINDS OF THINGS". Haha Liana. HAHA. Then we waited for people to arrive, my group spoke to Mr Gary Tang about us dropping out. The he was like well then i hope you guys come to support this so we were like yeah sure. I felt empty and elated that we dropped out. 


10th November.

Haha. Anyway, so Shimona went for choir, Ying, Rina, Saira and I went to the canteen. Wanted to watch HSM3 again but then Saira couldn't/didn't want to go for the movie. Then she left for home. Ying, Rina and I stoned for a while, then i went to listen to PSP and read a book. Ying left after a while. Then after she left, Rina went to K-Po some stuff and watched Channel News Asia. Every, and I mean EVERY, Indian man she saw on the tv was some how 'related' to her. Damn funny. She was like"AH! You see that man on tv? Yeah, he is my mother's uncle's wife's nephew's friend's grandmother's stepson." I was like this, "-.- ... O__O ... HAHAHAHAHAHA ROFL." Then after a while, she went home, arnd 11 i think. ( I stoned for like 4h in school liaozxz) So i continued reading until Nisha and her group (of very nice ppl) came to sit with me, when having their lunches. They kept complaining about how annoying Mr Gary Tang is. i couldn't help but laugh. Then Liana came and we stoned a bit. She told me a story about how she lost her momma's wallet after watching HSM3. Then we went to 7-Eleven. Wanted to laugh hysterically when i saw the ... coughsweetscough ... Eh KH? haha. then walked to the canteen to get PSP. then went up to the band room. I HATE MENs. vehveh annoyfink can? stained my skirt, shirt AND shorts liaozxz.then washed up and talked to Liana a while. We played iSpy. It was very fun. iSpied spikey spikes YOW! and a fountain and The Cross  over at SJI(I) i think... haha. SO fun. Then Kelly C. and some other 2/1 peoples came up for self-prac. Then Liana went for self -prac and I went home alone:( I talked to BoredBuddy(KH) a bit in the canteen. It was random -.- and I also hugged Joyce. THEN i walked to the MRT station with the FIRE. i hope Liana brings home the tree stumph. yeah, then I saw the train FULL of madrasah guys and i suddenly thought of HMG and i felt empty:( I wanted to RUN home to change but i was afraid something embarrassing might happen, so i walked quickly. It was uncomfortable yowwzxz. Then i showered took like 2 bites of the noodles i was  supposed to eat for lunch but they was horribly gross. SO i stopped eating and then i went to blog. haha. which is what i'm doing now. yeah and have been since, god know what time. 

I AM SO EXCITED FOR TMR! SLEEPOVER FUN-NESS AT SHIMZAYYE'S YOW! So i shall be away for 2 days. Don't miss me too much naa. Haha. I'm gonna be writing my random thoughts on yellow foolscap paper. and i will have pictures:D whoohoo. HORROR MOVE MARATHON YOWW!

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2:00 PM
October 28, 2008
haha. I sell yeww for $4.99 half price already.

qistina is queasy and queer cause liana wasn't here ): says:
sorry, my brother playing with my chair
ryan                                                                                               saybons says:
ryan                                                                                               saybons says:
its great to have a sibling
qistina is queasy and queer cause liana wasn't here ): says:
i have four
qistina is queasy and queer cause liana wasn't here ): says:
eh got offer leh, buy one get one free
qistina is queasy and queer cause liana wasn't here ): says:

10:12 PM

ANIMOLOGY: What Animal Are You?
Your Result: Gold Falcon

High in the sky! You are a very intelligent person. You get your pride in the way and it sometimes get very high, but you're a very romantic person. Your soul mate is the Silver and Red Wolf. You're in conflict with the Teal Cat.

Teal Cat
Blue Fox
Ocre and Gray Dolphin
Silver and Red Wolf
Red Jaguar
Tan Giraffe
Yellow Trout
ANIMOLOGY: What Animal Are You?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz
I'm a falcon wth-.-


9:43 PM
gimme gimme more

Four babes/friends that currently came to your mind.
♥ Liana
♥ Nicolette
♥ Nisha
♥ Syafiqah from tuition

Where did you meet 2?
♥ School.

Have you ever got drunk with 1?
♥ Nope, we good kids.

Has 2 ever been to your house?
♥ Now, that i think about it, No.

Have you ever slept with 3?
♥ Yeah, In the same room, on different beds. PERVS.

Have you ever gone shopping with 4?
♥ Nope.

Can you tell number 1 anything?
♥ Definitely

Have you ever met 2s family?
♥ Except her dad.

Do you know 1's middle name?
♥ yeah, Karuna

Have you ever eaten anything in front of 4?
♥ A sweet?

When was the last time you talked to 4 in person?
♥ Y'day, unless commenting on friendster counts then today.

Is any of the top 4 in your family?
♥ Nope but most are like family to me.

Who makes you laugh the most?
♥ Liana or Nicolette.

Have you ever done something dangerous with 4?
♥ Killing braincells by doing math! BWAHAHAHAHA

Do you trust number 2?
♥ Kookaburra? Yes, to the core.

Has number 1 ever helped you out ?
♥ Yeah, all the time.

Ever hung out with 3?
♥ Yeahhh, ISLAND & LJS BABY!

What are your feelings for 3 & 4?
♥ I LOVE THEM cause they are awesome people.

12:18 PM

1. Are you Available?
. CHYEAH! But love being single manzxz
2. What is your Age?
. guess...

4. Do you live in a Big house?
. Does a 4 room flat count as big?
5. When is your Birthday?
. 03/12

6. What's your favorite Chocolate?
. Godiva, Guylian.

7. Do you Daydream?
. All the time.
8. What's your favorite kind of Dog?
. I hate dogs.
9. What Day of the week is it?

10. Have you ever been in the Emergency
. Yes.

11. Did you have a crush that starts with the
letter E?
. does a fictional character count?

12. Favorite Flower?
. Carnations and sunflowers

13. Do you chew Gum?
. bubblegum.
14. Are you a Giver or a taker?
. both, i guess

15. What's your Height?
. i'm 1.72m minus 18cm
16. What color is your Hair?
. brownish black?

17. What's your favorite flavor of Ice cream?
. Chubby Hubby
18. Have you ever Ice skated?
. Never. I have a fear of gravity and pain in the butt.
19. Do you play an Instrument?

20. Have you ever heard a really hilarious Joke?
. yeah
21. Do you wear Jewelry?
. sometimes.

22. Do you want Kids?
. yeah sure why not?
23. Where did you have Kindergarten?
. Bukit Batok haha.

24. Have you ever Lied to your parents?
. A lot. This time I'm being honest. haha

25. Last Movie you watched?
. HSM3
26. Do you still watch disney Movies?
. YES.
27. Do you like Mangoes?
. in smoothies:D

29. What's your favorite number?
. 1, 3, 4, 23
30. Do you prefer night over day?
. Nope.

31. What's your one wish?

32. What is one fear you are most paranoid about?
. how can you be paranoid about a fear?
33. Are you quick to judge people?
. Define 'quick'

34. Do you watch Reality tv?
. No.

35. Do you prefer sun or rain?
. depends
36. Do you like Snow?
. Yes.

37. What Time is it?
. 11.54 am
38. What time did you wake up?
. 9-ish

39. Whats the worst veggie?
. bitter gourd.
40. Where do you want to go on Vacation?
. Places.

41. Will you go back to the past?
. just to watch.
42. Have you ever had an X-ray?
. mmhmm
43. Do you own a xylophone?
. No.

44. Do you like the color yellow?
. YES! My Bags That Colour:D

45. Whats your Zodiac sign?
. Saggitarius.

12:18 PM

1. What do your friends call you?

2. What do you do before bedtime?

3. Met someone new recently?
A: Fareed's brother, Hakim/Hakeem

4. What do you want now?
A: I WANT CANDY! No lah. Laptop.

5. Last song you listened to?
A: Superhuman

6. Do you see your ex everyday?
A: HAH! No because I've never had a b/f

7. What church do you attend?
A: I'm a Muslim:D

8. What bag did you recently buy?
A: I didnt get any bags:(

9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
A: Streaming, EOY, Nisha going to NJC

10. Do you have an idol?
A: Jessica Alba:D

11. Favourite brand of footwear?
A: Vans, Birks

12. What's beside you?
A:  COm Mouse.

13. Who are currently the most important people to you?
A:  Family and Friends (how cliche but it's true)

14. What blog do you use?
A:  uh this one?

15. What’s the last sentence that got stuck in your head?
A:  Shake, Shake, Shake, Shake, A Shake IT!

16. Your girlf/boyf or money?
A:  Money. I don't need a boyf.

17. Where is your school?
A: Toa Payoh

18. If you had $1,000 in cash, what would you do with it?
A: Spend some, save some, donate some to charity.

19. What items could you not go without during the day?
A: Phone,COM!

12:16 PM

1. Who is the last person you held hands with?
♥ Danial. As in my brother.

2. If you were drafted into a war, would you survive?
♥ i better go scout for bombshelters and stock my pantry.

3. Do you sleep with the TV on?
♥ no. i need quiet and no lights on.

4. Have you ever drank milk straight out of the carton
♥ Yeahh,always shhh.

5. Have you ever won a spelling bee?
♥ I wish. I can spell but i'm lazy to go for one hehXD

6. What is your longest fight with one of your friends?
♥ 4-5days, we made up though.

7. Are you a fast typer?
♥ I think not.

8. Are you afraid of the dark?
♥ sometimes... after 11.

9. Who can you always turn to?
♥ my closest but usually Liana.

10. When's the last time you chose a bath over a shower?
♥ uh never. i take loong showers though. :X

11. Do you knock on wood?
♥ No.

12. Are you drinking anything right now?
♥ Nope

13. What do you want for Christmas?
♥ I don't celebrate Christmas but if I did, i'd want a LAPTOP!

14. Do you know the muffin man?
♥ HAHAHAH,yeah and he's awesomezxz k.

15. Do you talk in your sleep?
♥ used to.

16. When was the last time that you went swimming and where?
♥ before I moved, my house.

17. Do you consider yourself successful?
♥ Sort of?

18. How many people are on your contact list of your cell phone?
♥ lazyy to count

19. Have you ever asked for a horse?
♥ YEAH! BUT I GOT A UNICORN(Saira) INSTEAD!Even better than a horse manzxz.

20. Missing someone?
♥ 2/4 '08 don't count as someone, do it?

21. When's the last time you told someone you loved them?
♥ My dad when he let me go out hehXD

22. How are you feeling today?

23. Have you ever been suspended or expelled from school?

24. What are you looking forward to?
♥ Shimona's Sleepover, YEAHH!

25. Have you ever crawled through a window?
♥ Yeah in K1 and in the dance studio when no teacher's around.

26. Have you ever eaten dog food?

27. Can you handle the truth
♥ Define 'handle'.

28. Do you like green eggs and ham?
♥ Dr Seuss Is Awesome! And i am pretty hungry right now:(

29. What 3 things you always bring with you to places?
♥ Handphone,wallet,PSP

30. Do you like or have a crush on anyone?
♥ UH yeah.

31. Who was the last person you kissed?
♥ My parents when i was like 5 or 6. 

32. How often do you talk on the phone?
♥ Usually people call me.

33. Do you talk to yourself?
♥ YES! haha, it's like my hobby or something O__O

34. Is there something you want that you can't have?
♥ Yeahhhh, laptop...clothes...purses...dresses...

35. Who are u thinking of right now?
♥ __________.

36. Where is your phone?
♥ beside me but it dieded.

37. Last movie you watched?
♥ HSM3

38. What do you want?
♥ LAPTOP! more clothes.

39. What tv. show are you watching?
♥ i'm in front of the com, noob.

40. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
♥ either Fareed, cause of the movie thing or Ms Puja to ask about RE:ACT!!


11:11 AM
October 27, 2008


ANYONE WANNA LEND ME? (do note that i will not be liable for any damages... okay no. i'm fully responsible) 

cause seriously, Mark Twain is getting on my nerves and i don't know what albeit means. I am retard hear me not use big complex words.

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11:22 PM
I never thought I'd hear (myself) say this.

HSM3, i hate to admit was actually pretty good. It was amazingly choreographed and the songs were actually bearable. haha. no lah. but they were good. Vanessa's/Gabriella's singing is still high and piercing as ever but otherwise still good. I REALLY WISH I COULD DANCE LIKE THEY COULD. i feel embarrassed to say that. but whatever man. The Theatre/Stage helps in self-discovery as Ms D. said. haha. I am eternally grateful to God for giving me a drama teacher who is NOT in the least anything like Ms Darbus. She seems a little Ms Nandar-ish to me. haha.

I'm happy that Liana isn't insane. haha. Jkjk. But it's good that you feel better :)

Nic Koh, your fever'll go away. And then you'll get better.

I'm looking forward to next year to finally see KOOKABURRA <33

must go shower now. bye.

Don't worry about K? haha


9:10 PM
Damn that girl, she's scandalous

Now, you got me kinda thinking like maybe i would.

I'm happy that my momma's coming back. I missed her though i hope she left her nagging back in Brunei. :P Looking forward to lunch. I'm surprised that i can't wait for HSM3 with tuition people. Just came back from tuition which started at the ungodly hour of 9am. very tired lehh. i woke up at 8.30 usually I wake up at 9.30. haha. A.math seems pretty bearable so i think i should continue with it during tuition. then i also have physics but i don't think I should start for physics to soon cause i don't know what we'll be learning and i better buy my textbooks first. haha.

I HATE UNO on MSN games. Everytime played with boredbuddy(KH) last night, I lost. I think they're racst players :O no lah but it was very annoying cause everytime they use skip or draw four or reverse, it's just before my turn so i don't get to play :( But I beat boredbuddy(KH) at checkers and minesweeper flags. But she play veh veh blur can so not fair when she won. haha i sounde like a sore loser. i'm not a sore loser. Just a loser. most times. I kept changing games cause after a while the games started getting boring.

Gonna watch HSM3 unless Syafiqah can argue persuasively with Fareed to watch another movie. haha. That'll be fun to watch. Im already planning what to eat. haha. Sweet AND salty popcorn, churros and nachos. Also my coke/lemon tea. depends on my mood. I wonder if i can get one of the guys to pay for me... no lah, I'm not that mean.

i realised that i've never watched a single netball match, not this year and not last year. i think that's why we always win. haha cause no bad luck. haha. and the matches are always on mondays/wednesdays/fridays. so i cant make it. stewwpit. ORGANISERS! PUT THE MATCHES ON THURSDAYS SO I CAN GO AND WATCH!

my GG Hair Band broke. RIP GG HAIR BAND. (gay moment of silence)


11:53 AM
October 26, 2008

Chased Hana out of my room. Cheers To My Assertiveness.  Gonna start digging out my 1/4 and 2/4 class photos and laminate them. wait...they're laminated already -.-"

Denied the invitation for The Monster Band to participate in NYPSL08. Clash like the cymbals man:(

Tmr I'm gonna see my mommy again:D YAY! then were gonna have Korean Bulgogi for lunch at that new restaurant at the Airport. Then after that, i'm gonna watch HSM3 with the tuition people (i.e. Fareed, Dan, Aliff and Syafiqah) Note that other than Syafiqah, the people i'm going with are guys. I was surprised that my dad let me go O__O i think it's crazy day. Maybe I should push it a little more and ask for a laptop? No, that would get me killed. I think he's giving me a lee way so i shouldn't push the envelope THAT far. Recession leh. Must think of the family -.- 

Watched The Leap Years just now. I wanted to cry leh. So touching. Must tell daddy what it was about cause he left half way for his army friends reunion tea thing. So like a bunch of 40 y.o. doods getting together to talk about the past. I'm not dissing that cause i want a reunion forever for 2/4 '08 :( where EVERYONE comes. 

I better hold back and manage my impulsivity. I should reflect more once in a while. like Liana does. it'd be good. IF ONLY I COULD LOCK MY DOOR A WHILE!

"&you said we wouldn't make it, but look how far we've come"


5:39 PM
October 25, 2008
i know what you are

I've got so many weirdly lame yet funny(to me) lines.

  1. Terrorists target Americans cause they're the bomb! 
  2. Im so bright I make lightbulbs jealouzz
  3. i'm so hot that i make fire stop, drop and roll
  4. I'm so cool that i make ice cubes jealous
  5. im both hot and cool that my name doesn't have to be luke to be warm. (sorry that one really is lame)
Hah! Fear my weirdness. I need to trade in this Hello Kitty keyboard and matching mouse. I WANT THE LEOPARD PRINT ONES I SAW AT POPULAR (like me:D)


6:26 PM

I'm wearing 2/4 CLASS TEE now.
NOT GONNA TAKE IT OFF, Not Even to go for tuition. I miss 2/4 and i never thought i would. I miss Mrs Wong cause she was probably the only teacher who really liked us. She even compared 2/1 to US (in a good way) :'(

i almost cried when i wrote 2/4 on the sexy sec3 subject combination form. the last time i would ever be able to write my name down with my reg. no and class :(

Name:Nur Qistina Bte Abdul Wahid (23)       Class:2/4

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3:06 PM

Okay uh Boredbuddy(KH) You promise uh? 

Today I so guai wake up early so that i would be in school on time for Flag Day. Then when i reached school it was 08.10 and I DIDN'T see anyone I knew-.- so I stoned in the canteen for a while then Rina (L) came. So she followed me to the office to submit my sexy sec3 subject combination form. Yeah. 3/2! 3/2! 3/2! PLZZZ. Anyway, we waited at a red table for luck(cause there is gonna be a liverpool match later). Our bag thingies were also red! then Saira (puffninder/unicorn) came so she sat down with us. Then we were having random conversations until other people came. We decided to go to Orchard cause usually got rich Ang-Mo people. so yeah, more money for the elderly and children. 

Then outside Forum,  went up to this guy with a funny Chinese accent to ask for donations and then he asked all about the organisation so i was thinking, maybe he'll donate. Boy, was I WRONG! He was like, first before i donate can i ask you a question and i was like...uh...okay? SO he asked me Are you 100% sure that you will go to heaven when you die and i was thinking, whoo! looney. then DOOD DEATH? I've barely gotten through streaming and you want me to think about when i die? then i answered "no. i don't know because it's God who will decide where I will go."  Then he asked Saira the same question and Saira said "maybe if i've been a good girl." then he took out some yellow card and said "In The bible, god says that we are all sinners so no matter what good deeds we've done, were still a sinner. and the only way we can go to heaven is if we accept jesus christ into our hearts." and i was like -.- then he was like,"are you willing to accept chrst into your heart" and i was like" sorry i don't believe this. I'm a Muslim" then Saira was like "Yeah I'm Sikh" so the guy was like "okay, then let us pray. repeat after me" and i was thinking -.-" wtfff man.  just said NO. then he started with "dear jesus" (gay moment of silence) then he looked up and said" repeat after me and I was like,"I'm sorry sir but I DON'T want to convert." and Saira was like,"yeah!" so he was like "okay then", and left us without any donations. Then I was thinking," DOOD! ALL I ASKED FOR WAS A SIMPLE DONATION and You come here and tell me i should convert" WTHHH lah. 

tthen there was another chinese lady, looked like a foreigner so we thought she might want to donate. So Saira asked her. Saira was like," Excuse me, but would you like to donate to the Filos Community Services?" Then The lady was like," Yes...?" Then she just stared at Saira, smiling. And we were both like," uh... why isnt she fishing for coins or something?" so we said "nevermind. thank you for your time" and walked away. like major -.- lah. grownups are so weird.

But what pissed me off what that when we asked some of the rich looking AMs with like $100 bags/sunglasses/shoes/clothes/all mentioned they didn't want to donate so i was like selfish buggers. but then Ms Puja said that we should assume so i stopped thinking it but i was angry that they didn't want to contribute to help these people. Then when we also asked they were like sorry no change. yeah no change because you don't want to go out of your way o donate like 50cents or something. there was this nice Indian lady who WAS IN A RUSH but she stopped and gave Saira a $2 note because she went out of her way to contribute! GOD BLESS THAT LADY PLEASE :) There were some people who gave us stacks of coins so after a while our bags got a little heavy. :D Bless you kind souls who decided to do good and help these elderly people and children at risk (e.g. those who are abused at home or something)  felt so good after doing this. 

I've got blisters on both feet :(


2:31 PM
October 24, 2008

okay my sister's birthday today. bimbotic 5y.o. I TELL YOU. Now all her fault, i have to go and make a reservation for 7ppl @ Vivo's Earle's Swensens. Lazy lehh. haha. um then must take train all the way to JURONG EAST MRT STATION so my dad can drive all of us to Vivo. Then must go and meet my annoying aunt or something. I don't want to see her at all. i'm mean and i know it but what evv. very lazy to go and fetch her. i know cause i'll be the one who'll be asked to fetch her. i do everything for you also not enough uh? grrrrrrrrr. NVM. I'll ask Nurul to call. SO smart.

aiyah. i'll stop complaining lah. VERY VERY BORED. NURUL AGREED TO CALL. YAY! so i can kill my neurons by stoneing.I don't know why i feel so tired and so hungry. I woke up at my 'usual' time of 9am so i don't know why i should feel so tired... hmmm maybe cause i 'over slept'. haha. was supposed to clean my room but i haven't. bet you're surprised. i need to get off the com. i tell you, i should pull it apart or smash it like that game on mostfungames.com   i realize this is my 3rd post today. i seem to be realizing a lot of things today -.-" must go off com. i think there's rice in the cooker... 

4:33 PM
OMFG! There's a fckin spydahh on my table :O

My g-mommy gave me $20 cause of my results. Thank You Grandma:D Love you! I need to find my sexy sec3 combi form :( haha. it's in my parent's room somewhere.

When I woke up today, i had this empty feeling inside and I realised why. No school today, so no time with 2/4. :( berry berry sad naa. Then reason I woke up was partially cause of my alarm clock and partially cause I got an SMS from my mummy in Brunei! Miss You Mommy! She wanted to congravylate me. She was like, very good that you got into DEP and I heard you got (this position) in your class and (this position) in your level. V. Gd. Then i replied, thanks mommy but my level position more important. 

I counted my L1R5 and I'm pleased but now, I have to work to reduce it my 2 points. Starting with the L. B3 for ML and B3 for Eng. grr. I got 1 mark more for ML than Eng. When I noticed I was like o__o then  :O then i was ROFL. haha. yeah. I'm weird and i know it:D My R5 all As :D very happy 'bout that. But some were non-O level subjects like DnT and Home Ec. i got an A1 for Drama :D Then I'm a little disappointed that I got an A2 for science. 

But If only this was Sec4 prelims eh? cause sec2 would be different from Sec3and4. and that's the truth. 

Y'day when I hugged Mrs Wong, she said I want A1s from you for maths all the way up to sec4 and I started cying cause she believes in me :) Mrs Wong is one of the best math teachers i've ever gotten. I wish we could get her next year but the poor sec1s need her :(

i realise that my posts are always very long. haha. must be because I talk too much. I can't wait for Shimona's slumberparty. I wanted to go for the picnic today but i couldn't. and a small part of it was because i didn't want to. i still don't know why and i let go of an opportunity but i still have an opportunity by staying at home and doing useful stuff. 


12:47 PM

I Dedicate Trainwreck by Demi Lovato, This One's For The Girls by Martina McBride, Thank You For The Music by ABBA, Heart Of The Matter by  Don Henley (of The Eagles) and That Green Gentleman( Things Have Changed) by Panic At The Disco to 2/4 '08. You guys have helped me grow, esp Da Creww/RARININA. (go to youtube to find these songs or i could send them to you)

To Nicolette, I Know You Couldn't Be Here with Us for most of the year, but it doesn't matter because You're STILL a part of 2/4 '08 and everyone would/should agree with me. 

I know we didn't truly bond but we did, kinda. 2/4, you guys are really great and i'm thankful that god put me in this class with you weirdos (in a good way) haha. So um, maybe we could have like class gatherings next year or like after sec4 then like when we go to JC/Poly we can meet up too, after uni or something? omg, thinking of the future without you guys is making me cry!

So Um 2/4, I'll Miss You!


11:30 AM
October 23, 2008
what death and discos have done to me

I was gonna type something but i forgot what it was. -.- ANYWAY! More peekcharzzz!

Me, Ying, Shimzy <33
WE, RARININA/DA CREWW, LOVE YOU (and each other)! (hey, that rhymed)
We Angelina Jolie Wannabes. Pout Pout Y'all!

I'm Too Sexy To Seduce.
Peek-A-Boo Ying! I SEE YOU!
'Sup? Shimona's is too cool fo' you!
I'm To Cute Naa!

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6:02 PM
So My Hope kept growing, and I never looked back

YAY! I DIDN'T GET THROUGH TO SYF! :D truly. Boredbuddy was like,"you didn't make t" and she looked sad for me but i was like," NO! It's a good thing. Really." yeah. I love that girl to bits, I really do! I finally have a decent photo of Nisha and Myself:D So enough of me. here're the photos 8D

Ms Nandar-Thank You for being PATIENT with us. It's a Vrtue :D
OMG! Liana has a snake! OMG! Don't be scared Cherie! OMG! Nat is SHOCKED:O

East Side ParisPrit. Way Hawt naa?

more pics in the next post. consecutive luh so chill.

I removed the pic k? See i'm so nice. But you promised k? 

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5:36 PM
October 22, 2008

Okay. So... I made it for DEP and i'm glad but gut feeling is telling me i confirmed not gonna make it for SYF. yeah second round of auditions made me feel proud that i could do it. So if I don't make it, I'm just gonna let go because trust me, that's one thing less to commit to, one thing less to focus on, one thing less to pressure myself with, one thing less to drain me. I shouldn't lose momentum. Just keep moving. I see a bollywood movie scene coming on and it ain't pretty. 

I'm just really pissed that DEP and HML clash on Mondays. Like @#!)#&$&^#% (looks good like that).  So I really don't know what i should do cause i really want to do both. Both have equal priority. So you make me choose and I'll kick you in the crotch. I audition very stressful, killed all my neurons then you say i shouldn't do it. waste my energy right? Then I did OK for PSLE, enough to do HML and then you tell me, "maybe you should drop that if you want to do drama." I REALLY WANT TO DO BOTH. nothing can describe how pressured i feel now. so you just shut up. Don't tell me that you're sure i'll get what I want, don't tell me that it'll all work out. don't tell me that. it's not what i need right now... i just need to accept things as they come. I'm gonna learn to juggle, i'm gonna learn to be invincible so just watch me. 

(ten thousand years after I type all that)
Why don't I write an excuse letter to excuse me from all the lessons on monday?! Like Nia did cause of AEP. but would daddy agree to it? hum hum.

I kick myself liao.

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9:42 PM
October 21, 2008
Song Meme ripped from LJ

1. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc. on shuffle. 
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer. 
4. Write down whatever snarky returns come to your mind afterward. 

Bang A Drum - Selena Gomez


Survivor-Destiny Child

don't know how true that would be...

All About You- McFly


They're not horses, They're Unicorns-Bayside

I still don't know what this song is about...

She's The One-Robbie Williams

A really pretty song but so hope that is not my life's purpose
it would be damn lesbo 

Love In The First Degree-Bananarama

umm...so I value love? 

Ottoman-Vampire Weekend

So they think I am a Turk or some kind of foot stool? 

Bang A Drum-Selena Gomez again...

Um... so they think I'm noisy? Tis true... 

Superhuman-Chris Brown 

I do dream of having a superpower/being extraordinary 

10. WHAT IS 2 + 2? 
 Middle Management-Bishop Allen

uh huh.

Baby, You're My light-Richard Hawley

Apt. Very Apt.              ILYVVM!

Thunderbirds Are Go-Busted

uh...is that a good thing?

 One Night In Bangkok-Murray Head

I've been to Bangkok once, dont remember much. And what does Bangkok have to do with me? 

Believe In Me-Demi Lovato

OKAY! So I can be what I choose, you just have to Believe In Me:D 

I'm Too Sexy-Right Said Fred

Can't argue with that. We're both too sexy :P 

Tears In Heaven-Eric Clapton

I must have one depressing wedding,...i think. 

Where's The Party Tonight-Khabi Alvida Naa Kehna

They celebrate my death or they don't value me? I am now depressed:'(

Dark Blue-Jack's Mannequin

Again, good or bad?  
(indian accent)Actually, most of us are beige or brown. Not Dark Blue.

Until You're Mine-Demi Lovato

so what does this mean? you're my secret immoral act? that sounds wrong but i don't know why...

Another Cinderella Story-John Paesano

Interesting song choice...

weird. veh veh weird.


8:54 PM

I veh veh sad that some people didn't get the results they wanted. i pity CT eventhough she doesn't really deserve it but i can't help it. 

i wanna call somebody. but not boredbuddy. too emotionally dependent on her ready later like SSA :O

8:46 PM

I veh, veh excited for thursday cause can sleep late and wake up later! haha. Tmr I have SYF workshop. Yay. Tentatively my level ranking is 38. I'm happy cause I'm like top 20%(?) I can do pure science and A math so I'm happy. I hope I get through to DEP. Everyone says I will but confirmation is always good. We had the leadership thingy today, boring but bearable. Can't remember everything. I just remember that I'm a promoter-type of leader. yeah. Um... took MRT home with Petrina-who read the sms-es I sent boredbuddy but i didn't mind it so much, Hanisah, Gabrielle, Shazwana and Melissa. Veh veh fun. Haha. We gossip? kind of luh. I saw that guy from madrasah who has a cute brother, yeah that guy. haha. The Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist soundtrack is a little boring. i so far only like Riot Radio by The Dead 60's. That's it. veh veh cute song. Had mussel pasta for dinner. wish I had muscles instead but not till I so 'buff' that i look like a butch when i wear dresses or something. 

HUNGRY FOR MORE DRAMA! i hope Illya gets into drama. It'll be awesome to still be able to talk to my cousin even if stuff happens. we don't act like we're related at all. good or bad?


6:39 PM
October 20, 2008
I'm a LOSER baby, so why dont you kill me?



7:07 PM
ZOMG! so cool can. My 50th post:D


zomg. thankful I have cable. the shit thingy is taking so long to load i very pissed off leh. I will change my blogskin but will maintain the unicorns cause they be awesome unicorns who live in toiletbowls with wide green meadows//fields. I like the word scallop... there was another one that FGF/KYLIE/and/I agreed on. haha. I like the slashes. -.- so random liaozxz.

my sister thinks she can pass as a lianzxz

I shall elaborate on the weird things that happened to me y'day and today. 

woke up at 9+ was so tired i wanted to go back to sleep. but i couldn't. slugged off to shower and change for madrasah/religious classes. easier to just type madrasah. wore green ugly baju kurung. then made pancakes for breakfast. realised cousins went home alr. then i left for madrasah. took the train. 3h of madrasah can die liao. must memorise passages(?) from the Al- Quran by sunday. Note to self. then worked on projects and stuff. mummy and daddy picked me up. went to island (IN A BAJU KURUNG -.- so awkward) sms-ed boredbuddy(KH) who was also out. we both we're out and in need of something to keep us awake. not that the ice-cream didn't taste good or anything. it was awesome. then borrowed videos which i still have yet to watch. went to Orchard to shop cause mummy going to brunei. so we went to M&S to check out blazers. cause mummy said she had to look smart ( she look only cause she can't do secondary school maths) because she is gonna be on the brunei-an newspaper cause of the school exchange programme thing. so cool. if you're wondering why she's gonna be on the paper, it's cause brunei got not much to report cause not so happening like us.  that's why. then we bought these cute footie sock thingies that look like knitted ballet flats. so cute kay. and very warm but loose. (wearing them now cause aircon is on). then went to Zara to find more coats/blazers cause she didn't like the ones at M&S. So she bought a blazer and a purple top i picked out which was actually very nice.  I saw this cute dress at Zara but daddy would freak if I bought it:( then went to Shaw house/centre(not sure which) to Isetan. I wanted to get bread but mummy just bought so yeah. She got this bag which is reversible so it's beige on one side and leopard prints on the other. I thought it was ugly but it's her money and whatever makes her happy... i only got toffees/eclairs from M&S. then went out to eat cause i hadn't had lunch and by then it was like 5pm? then we went to nenek's house to pick up the car. and send over food. Picked Badri up from Khatib MRT Station. he came over to pack the stuff his mommy gave us to send to him. then daddy sent him back to camp. he's shoes so shiny that you didn't need a mirror to look at your face! 2 coats of polish i think it was. went to sleep.

i woke up late. then i had to run to the MRT station. so tiring. reached school on time. didn't bring CIP form so almost died from heart attack when i realised just by looking at Ms Puja walking in front of me. reached school. saw Rina and Boredbuddy. went whassup! scared boredbuddy, talked to people. many people. can't remember who. then went to tell ms Puja bout my CIP form. Then had Malay Cultural Programme thing which was a little boring. The lady didn't even know i was malay eventhough i said some stuff in malay(which she didn't hear me say) and I think I look a little malay? :P  then went down for epok-epok and samosas ( i don't think that was malay) then went for music session thing. It was......interesting? then had recess, i didn't eat anything :O had apple-orange juice.  AWESOMEST! then went to PA Studio for sexuality talk. it wasn't interesting. was bored to death then I had back ache also -.- finished at 2pm. called daddy to ask if I could pon HMT he said yes. then i walked to interchange alone then I saw Ambra and Cory. Awesome 'Triangalar' peoples :D then i went home. did nothing constructive. -.- wanted to sleep but i didn't. Hana annoys me:( Anxious for SYF and DEP results. Checked the LD board back at school so many times today but no updates :( FGF very eager to know. I think everybody was. very sad that there was no update :(  basically waiting for 8.30 ish to SMS boredbuddy. haha. I have NO life liaozxz.


4:49 PM
We're So Starving.

Very tired.
I want to sms boredbuddy like what i always do but BB has training. grrr. And she takes ave. 15 mins to reply. haha. went to Zara with mummy Y'day. shan't elaborate. too lazy haha. bored. bored. die. die. bye. bye. bored. bored.


4:25 PM
October 18, 2008
I'm bored bored too.

I told Hana to go eat all her toys that were made in China. She's so annoyfink to tha' CORE. I tell you. OMG! SOMETHING FUNNY happened in the bus. 2 American girls were standing behind me in the bus. One Blond, the other red head. SO the Blond was smsing somebody then she asked red head how to spell definitely. then the RH was like, " Um.. I Don't Know.. Definetly i think." Then I was trying to stifle my laughter. Then anyway, the blond tried 'definetly' and she was all like," That's not it" so the RH tried again,"Deffinetly?" and I was like, "STIFLE! STIFLE! RESIST THE TEMPTATION TO LAUGH IN HER FACE!" I feel so mean. :( but I am so yeah. I WANT TO FANGIRL and FANTASIZE ABOUT 90210 with FGF/FJBF/FFMF haha. so fun. gosh.


6:41 PM
BRUDDER, you is way way weird.

Ryan just went off. haha. He's so weird can? anyway uhh, my results were icky and I should have worked harder. But its too late to regret so, I'm just gonna slack till results get back then I make my decisions properly. I want 3/2 to be my first choice then 3/3 and then 3/1 without the 9th subject. It'd be too stressful. Now Ryan, my real cousin, wants my help for malay. I don't want to help him. so lazy. grrr. I need to teach BoredBuddy how to post. haha. Poor thing, got training.

Ooh. Yesterday was OMG SO @!%$#&* . I tell you. so scary for DEP audition. then went for SYF audition and I losened up a bit. I almost cried but i couldnt as in, it really didn't fall (the tears i mean). IRMNVM grrr. Then Saira and I had to go find OM to help me break my lock cause my key was inside the locker and Liana went home. so yeah. Then so cool kay, it took me AND saira to break it. haha. Melody was just waiting for us. but she was very nice. Then I went to watch seniors do their auditon. mel and Saira went home. Then after seniors auditioned, we (Nisha, Lin Ying, Kylie, Ariaga and I) walked to Interchange. Ari went home, her mom worries a lot. Then Kylie, LY and I went to LJS for dinner. SO funny, kay? I choked on water. haha.



10:30 AM
October 17, 2008

Got all my papers back. I got only one A1. very pissed off okay! but then I also got 2 A2s... Then I have like 4 B3s. grrr

9:35 PM
October 16, 2008
I fell in love with the kid at the rock show.

I'm happy because I got 88 marks for math 8D but super stressed out now because My drama monologues for SYF and DEP auditions are done but I have to memorise them. :( the memory couse thing was a sign. BUT I wasn't there cause I had debate. Stupid. I want to die. DIE NOW! grrr.

Bought animal shaped biscuits. damn cute. haha. I was walking with Unicorn when suddenly I pulled one biscuit out that looked like an owl/Mrs Sundar. haha Then Saira fake screamed, "AHH! IT'S MRS SUNDAR BACK TO HAUNT ME!!!" so I was like," OH NO!! WHAT DO WE DO NOW?! WE'RE BEING ATTACKED AHH! WAIT I KNOW!" then I shoved the cookie into my mouth and startd chewing like mad. We both we laughing like crazy beetches. haha.


8:18 PM
October 14, 2008
90210-my fave numbers

OMG! I LOVE 90210!
Im SOOOOO happy that Silver and Dixon are together!!!!!!! And THANK YOU for finally knocking some sense into Ethan. Just WHEN are they gonna ever kiss properly?! aiyoh. I don't like that Adrianna girl. So selfish. Her mother is so STUPID also okay? I think I'm turning into a Saira Roop. She can even tell you what song played during some random time on one of the episodes of OTH. I think Dixon is cute and Silver is REALLY pretty. Then there's this guy who over-uses the word bitch. haha. But he's quite hot too.

okay. Anyway, I have watched all the episodes so far. from 1-7. I wonder when they play it on AXN. I need to watch episode 6 and 7 again cause i don't remember much. haha. So I shall be back tmr.

I'm so stoned(as in like day-dreaming) right now. And very hungry even though i had a bowl of noodles. Didn't eat till i was full so yeah. Got school tmr and I dont think I can wake up tmr.

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7:59 PM
October 13, 2008
Transformers Rap!

Transformers! robot in diguise:D

smosh is so funny. grrr.

9:38 AM
October 12, 2008
Seven Things Quiz stolen from FGFs blog:D


Seven things that scare you.

  1. Jo Teo. Like you can feel my heart race.

  2. Do Typical Malay People count as things?

  3. My Mommy when she's really pissed.

  4. Liana when she cries cause I'm a lousy friend/consoler. actually just lousy.

  5. How Scary Good I know Sarah Toh is at Drama (cause then I got a challenge)


  7. Really bad bad english. Haha.

Seven Things That You Love The Most

plus some people.

  1. Nicolette
  2. Liana
  3. Music
  4. My Books
  5. DRAMA
  6. Math
  7. My brother.

Seven Important Things In Your Room

  1. My Phone
  2. My Phone Charger
  3. My Computer
  4. My Bed
  5. My Closet(unlike FGF i don't have fantasies about Narnia)
  6. My PSP
  7. My Bolster

Seven Random Facts About Me

  1. I was knocked down by an ugly Nissan or Toyota (can't remember) last November
  2. I take French lessons every Saturday at 12pm.
  3. I form weird impressions of people on the train from observing them too much.
  4. I have a crush on some AMK sec guy I see on the train every morning. (now you know why i reach school so late)
  5. I have 4 other siblings (2 Sisters and 2 brothers)
  6. I like choosing the most expensive thing on the menu whenever I go out with my parents when they foot the bill. yes i'm horrible
  7. I absolutely CANNOT debate to save de fish( haha get it?) or my life.

Seven Things You Can Do

  1. I can speak good english (most of the time)
  2. I can get very paranoid ( it's my OCD really)
  3. I can get bored like super fast.
  4. I can hit you in the face if i wanted to ( but that'd prolly end up in a lawsuit)
  5. I can eat ice-cream bars really fast like.
  6. I can tell you I have 11 brothers and sisters (can but i'd be lying)
  7. I can lie (but that would send me to hell)

Seven Things You Can't Do

  1. I can't NOT blog for 3 days straight.
  2. I can't remember what happened last last weekend
  3. I can't think straight (most of the time)
  4. I can't speak malay well.
  5. I can't tie my shoelaceswithout doing the two bunnies in a loop thing I learnt in P1(eventhough back then I still used velcro)
  6. I can't think of anything else to type
  7. I can't fill this in properly

Seven Things You Say The Most

  1. Haha
  2. I
  3. Am
  4. Bored
  5. As
  6. Usual
  7. awesome(ly/ness/!)

Seven Songs You've Recently Listened To

  1. Girlicious' Like Me
  2. Asteria's A Lesson In Charades
  3. Hope's Bring Me Flowers
  4. Paramore's Decode
  5. Cobra Starships' The City Is At War
  6. Busted's Thunderbirds Are Go (awesomeness)
  7. The Used's I Caught Fire (In Your Eyes)

Seven Movies You've Recently Watched

  1. Goal 2
  2. Pride
  3. Hardball
  4. Rambo 5(frickin scary like AHHHH!)
  5. Star Wars IV: A New Hope
  6. Beetle Juice
  7. Gremlins

Seven Favourite Artistes

  2. Gaspard Ulliel
  3. Pierre Boulanger
  4. Luke Benward
  5. Anjelina Jolie
  6. Mitchell Musso
  7. Miley Cyrus (my favouriteto Diss)

Seven People You Tag To Do This Quiz

  1. My Sister
  2. The other six dwarfs (cause my sis is dope[y with big ears and not high on dope...She's high on life-.-]) she made me type the stuff in the [].


9:41 PM
October 09, 2008
Check Please!

Okay, I didn't get to blog y'day cause I had to mugg for History which I am so failing. I also did not study for home ec, which i am also gonna fail. I bulled my answers haha. SO I went for Mcs Bfast with Shimzy. Damn fun. We talked. Awesome bonding time :D Thunderbirds Are Go by Busted is stuck in my head. Gah.
Can't wait for the sleepover at her house. IM GONNA LEARN BASS:DDDDDDDDDD
can't you tell i'm happy? :DDDD Da CREWW except for Saira went to Pizza Hut for lunch. Wish Nicolette could have been there. Don't Worry Baba, Chill. We'll go again when she gets back:D Oh then it'd be oooodless of FUN! haha. had super supreme. I love the cust cause it's sooo crispy:D WOWeth. Haven't had piza like that in a long time. haha. mmmhmmm.
must start running again. I have put on too much weight grrr.


3:05 PM
October 07, 2008
Things are so bad that i'm dusting off my Star Trek shrine.

Okay today was...intense? Intense lah. So much stress, I almost didn't finish my geog paper. so scary. Last 5mins I chiong go and do Q3c-last question. Damn scary. Lucky I managed to finish it. But I think I did it wrongly:( Damn. I think half the stuff i wrote was complete bull. haha. Then Ms Nandar told us that Nick's mum bought us swiss rolls. So touched.

Thank You Mrs Koh. Thank You Very Much:D

Okay um, then after break, Ying and I chiong go get the swiss rolls for everybody and drinks for ourselves. Then came up, chiong go memorise stuff for SOVA. stuff that wasn't even tested. Blah. Yeah. The Lobster Phone was tested when he said it wasn't gonna be so i memorised all the wong stuff too. The smiley agrees wth me cause that was my face when i found out. The SOVA invigilator damn funny, Mr _________. He's that new guy who teaches those technical stuff i think. Yeah. I can't describe him here cause it's like a It-Was-So-Funny-You-Had-To-Be-There-To-Get-How-Funny-He-Was type thing. yeah. like ohmygur naa. I will so fail yaar. And then walked down with DA CREWW (or part of maybe, can't remember) and KahHui/BoredBuddy/KXXHXX. haha yeah. Then we saw...them so Kh got all whiney and she didn't want to walk in that direction and also cause she didn't want to walk in the rain. Lucky my mommy came to pick me up or I would have been drenched! Danny was in the car. That boy is so cute. I tell you! When we were driving on the road, the the rainwater on the road like sprayed out from under the car. The car beside us got drenched like dont know what and Danny was like, "Mommy Look Out!Watch out. Be careful mommy....SPLASH! Water. ooh look at the water.Splash". And i was there laughing my guts out cause his pause was damn long and out of nowhere he shouted SPLASH! Anyway, we went to pick Nicky up. As in my brother, Nicky and not Nick-Nickohlette-Nick. Yeah. Then we chiong go to Causeway Point to have lunch at Swensen's cause I goot whiney and annoyed the hell out of my mommy. Danny joined in with me:D We maketh an AWESOME team. We were both like,"I want ice-cream. I want ice-cream..Pleeeeasseee Mommy? Please? I want ice-cream!" haha. Yeah. Swensens was awesome. We had the executive lunch so it came with soup, ice cream and a drink. So the three of us got exec. lunches and shared with Danny. Then we added on the banana crumble thing. DAMN SHIOK CAN? I tell you, it was the bestest thing ever. Yeah. So many secondary school students there. All the malay people. I tell you I got damn scared seeing so many malay people in one building. haha. Sorry that was random -.- yeah. so anyway, now i feel like reading up on electricity cause i have this feeling that if I don't i won't be able to do tmrs paper and i should make notes to INTERNALIS/ZE it. yeah. But i don't wanna get my butt off the chair and i don't want to go off the com. haha. I have to write. typing won't make it go in. Cause writing makes me see it as a word. Typing is just itty bitty letters. cannot will not go in.
haha okay, bye bye.


2:39 PM
October 06, 2008
POOR YING. Don't cry okay, babe?

I'm mugging for SOVA. Yes, I am mugging for art theory. Thank goodness, no more next year! Yeah like Oh My Guru. Anyway, today was nothing but FUN!

Math paper was fun. I actually enjoyed it. Somebody slap some glasses on me and call me a nerd. I tell you i not only managed to finish both papers, I had extra time :O it was challenging but manageable. I think the practice papers were harder. MRS WONG! You disillusioned me into thinking that our paper was very difficult! But Thank You for the practice:D I will miss Mrs Wong:( for she is an AWESOME teacher. Lucky peoples who get her for math next year. You just pay attention, do her homework and whatever she gives you to do-like practice papers and you will be fine. But do it neatly or she'll get irritated. and also don't make too much noise which is all she asks of you. haha. I have a knack for sidetracking:( So...Naturally after the paper, we were comparing answers and Liana, Shimona and I all got the same answer then Ying said,"WHY DO YOUR ANSWERS ALL SOUND SO STRANGE TO ME?!" we laughed like crazy. Then there was the direct proportion sum and the 3 of us got 5, Ying got 6(point something somethng) okay. I won't laugh at her for that. Math IS pretty tricky. Then the four of us, plus Saira, so thats Saira, Liana, Shimona, Ying and Me, we went to Long John's for brunch. I had soup, crunchy shrimp, coke and pie. haha. they only had combo and a drink. I ate less though. haha. I've lived to see the day where WONG YIN YING wastes food. She didn't finish her fries and crispy bits :O then we walked to the FANCY TOILET cause naturally, Saira and Ying with their tiny bladders needed to go pee. When we were leaving, saira opened the door for us and you could hear this really loud bang and laughter. The Bang was Saira's hand painfully being squished between the door handle and the wall. The laughter was us. Of course we didn't mean to laugh but we couldn't help it cause Saira naturally is funny. I used the word 'Naturally' 3 times already. Wow. And then we had to go home. I told Saira to ice her hand to numb the pain and also to stop swelling if her hand could swell from that. I wouldn't know.

Supposedly mugging for SOVA anyway. Now playing with Danny's hair. He's going,"No Qistina! No! Stop it! Stop it! No! OW OW! NO Qistina! Stop It!" gosh. he's so cute. nvczkx. that's Danny language for Happy. haha.


1:27 PM
October 05, 2008
Another list...

Shopping LIST!! for the america:D

  1. Sunnies
  2. Hoodies/Scarves
  3. shoes
  4. slogan tees
  5. dresses
  6. leggings
  7. skinnies
  8. shirts
  9. skirts
  10. accessories , i.e. rings, necklaces
  11. CDs


1:39 PM
Im a one way motorway

I was/is bored so i decided to be random and make a list so here's the frst one i thought of.

>>List of 15 Musicians whose music I've been listening to so far for today:

  1. Girlicious
  2. MayDay Parade
  3. Asteria
  4. Hope
  5. Death Cab For Cutie
  6. Three Days Grace
  7. Emery
  8. YellowCard
  9. Daphne Loves Derby
  10. Hawthorne Heights
  11. Korn w/ Amy Lee
  12. Foo Fighters
  13. Hushpuppies
  14. The Audition
  15. Lifehouse


1:11 PM
October 04, 2008

I haven't got any pixtures cause of 2 reasons

  1. I forgot to charge the battery to my camera so therefore i left it at home
  2. My daddy insisted on taking glam and unglam-or what he calls 'natural'-pixtures of us with his new Nikon camera.

So, so i shall start with my morning.

I woke up at like 5 or sommat cause everybody wanna go to the mosque to prayy bt i couldn't go cause I speciaux so i stay at home and sleep in while Bibik stay at home and get everything and Danny and Hana ready. Then at 9(yeah that's me sleeping in cause i got anxious for collection) i got out of bed, grudgingly and half-asleep, showered and wore my baju kurung top with FBT shorts cause ebrybodie wasn't back yet. Then about 10-ish, i wore my kain thingy cause ebrybodie got back wiv Wak Ajid, Wak Nah, Wak Ijah and NSMan and Kak Siti and Kak Ain and they gave Zul/Zool a lift. Hes an NSMAN too,. He's quite cute luh but i didn't get to see him cause he chiong go to somebody else's house cause he no love me. actually he no know me. haha. -.- uhhhhh then ebrybody chiong go to wak ijah's house. then i waited for my Nenek and Atok to come. Then 'Tin and 'Yan and Cik Aie and Cik Ida come in their red suzuki swift. had to ride in that... so low make me giddy like WATAH! um the Dayyinah and Uncle Rizal came. yeah. I Ate like so much manz. I grow fat and blow up like a BAHLOONZZ. yes, will. then we chiong go to Nyang's house (that's my great-grandmommy to you) in the swift ,which isn't actually fast, and gossiplady was there :( I no like her. she call me matsalleh just cause i like to eat cheese. I tell you someday i create a dish with cheese and sambal so i can call TPMs mat salleh if they like it cause it has cheese. so sick of being called matsalleh/celop man. anyway, some family members i don't even know-faces familiar names unknown, dunno how we're related- came, gave me $$ then my uncle came with his gf who izz too pretty for him. haha. dont even think my uncle know me. haven't seen him for at least a year or something. okay i forgot where i was. oh yeah... sorry, danny is annoyfink me. uh i got $5 from Nyang. Thank Yeww. um then we chiong go to Nek Imah's house. Miss her and her awesomely spicy cooking, only her cooking spicy addictive make me go angelina jolie lips overdrive. don't think that made sense. was sms-ing KXXHXX the whole time haha. yes. i should start calling her boredbuddy cause then her sister can stop counting the number of times i use KXXHXX (so far that's 2). haha. okay. yeah. oh we went to Wak Ijah's house. SAMBAL GORENG IZZ THE AWESOMEST! didn't see anyone else there. Apparently Kak UD/OOD came back from Sydney and tell nobody. never even get to see her. She funny like what luh. She got australian accent after dunno how many years lah. she more matsalleh than me can? she speak malay also got mat salleh accent lorh. I just speak awesome pawsome english cause my malay chop stamp fail can?

Aww togederr I collect $91 and a goodie bagg. Like this I so poor compare to other peepoww.

Girlicious-Like Me is on repeat cause it awesomezz pawsomezxz like me. haha. okay. I swear my blg persona is so not like who i am in school or at home. awesome pawsomezz. i wonder if this is the real me. a toast to the masks; something i hate but use everyday. i just slapped myself in the face (i did literally and figuratively) like Sarah Palin who is pro abstinance, anti abortion and anti sexual education in school and her daughter is like preggerzz which is stewwpit like everything. hope i don't get arrested.


9:47 PM
RAWR! DOMOKUN is a Monstah!

I lent my maid $$ to go buy milk and a drink for herself and i haven't received any change.

anyway, i managed to do french hw in under 3mins in the train on the way to class. You know why? cause Im super. and then i went to do math papers and almost missed my stop. haha. I found out Jerome's full name: Jerome Jean-Marie Dorey! so cool right? I wish i had a french name. Because then I'd just be a weird french/malay girl. it would be fuxing cool to be french. Then i'd be HOT! haha. omg this is random eventhough it stemed from me knowing Jerome's full name. Why? IDK. hmmm

If I were french, I'd want my name to be Margaux or Noémi or maybe Océane. yeah.
but f i were a French Muslim, I'd want my name to stay the same because it'd have to be a good name for a muslim, so yeah.

wow, I swear i don't have a life....somebody give me money so i can buy myself a life.

back to math it is.


7:02 PM
October 03, 2008

HELLO KXXHXX! You is readng my blog. Yay.

yes. i am very high today.

haha. m.. OH YEAH


My brother is annoying me now. He's been playing PATD for the past hour or so? And here i am trying to do math. (i hope math guy doesn't see this. haha) Now, I am very bored and smsing KXXHXX. I should go to sleep soon cause i have french tmr...i think. I'm not sure if I have hw but haha, Jerome won't care and i'll probably end up doing it in the train (if any that is).

LIT SUCKED!! I SWEAR...wait i can't. take that back. If Cherie die, then I die die. haha. Okay. yeah. I love that Liana to bits i swear. (okay i have to stop swearing) haha. Okay even on my blog, i go haha alot. yeah

I better stop now.

like now...

okay now....



10:03 PM
October 02, 2008
I'm going back to my days of hope.Here's my letter of resignation.

Dear Sir/Madam

I, Nur Qistina, officially resign as a teenager to go back to when I was 6 years old to a state where I could choose not to care about school, about the future cause it was just the present that mattered. I didn't have to bother about growing up and stuff that comes with the rough years of adolescence. I was happy not knowing what I didn't know and I simply didn't care that I didn't know. So what if I can't watch movies rated NC16, M18 or R21? PG and G is fine with me. The Power Rangers were cool back then, and so were Superman and Batman. Don't get me wrong, they're still AWESOME just back then they were more to me than just fictional characters, they're my IDOLS. And Back then, I didn't have to swear when I got angry, I just cried. And I didn't have to be ashamed when I cried, cause i was entitled to the priviledge of crying in public. So thank you for your kind attention.

Yours Sincerely,
Nur Qistina, aged 6.

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7:42 PM