Heart's A Mess
it makes no sense but i'm desperate to connect
November 28, 2008

I've already planned what to get people from america. but i'm brokey-wokey so i have to try and get my parents to pay for me. But if they don't and you don't get any souvenrs, then I'm really terribly sorry but most of my savings went to groceries cause my maid dont want to claim for me:( bitch okay. SO yeah. If by some miracle god gives me money-like say, my aunt giving me $100 or something like that for my birthday which is on the 3rd(hint hint) then maybe. Pray hard for that:D

10:59 AM
November 27, 2008

I haven't updated in 3 days. I have like a rare version of James Bourne's Want Me Like That cause he's gonna tweak the song somemore cause it's like a possible single. haha, it's a really nice song so go to his myspace to listen to it:D

10:29 AM
November 24, 2008
do you still want me like that?

class bbq.

I look funny in this, but the people around make me look good :X
The 'Decemberists' haha <33

KH, but she just had to move please.

Class BBQ was okay, it got boring after the first 5 mins. But i got to spend time with Shimona and Yin Ying. I had 2 prawns, 1 chicken wing, and 2 crabsticks. But there was chocolate so I was 'drunk' on chocolate. Haha. Ying was being D.O.C. with me. We were talking by the pool and stuff. AND KH DIDNT TAKE PIC WITH ME:( haha. go out and take where?


2:10 PM
November 21, 2008
i'm all pissed and shit ><

posted on my xanga. that's should be my rant blog. If you dont already know what the URL is, it's in the links by the sidebar under Xanga. so yeah.

8:01 PM
you took me from all that I knew

oh my fisherman's friend. my neck is so stiff:( and i can't find my salonpas. I think my dad used it on his leg. dang it. and I still can't believe my brother is going to N/A. I pity him cause I don't know which school he's going to, and what kind of friends he'll make friends with. yeah. I like typing using justifiy. dunnoe why I do and donnoe why I said that. so random. dao like bao. bao is such a cute word, bao bao bao. haha okay. mollusc mollusc is a cute word too! and scallop. and shrimp.



10:47 AM
November 20, 2008
Build Me Up, Buttercup

"Why do you build me up (Build me up) Buttercup
Baby just to let me down (Let me down)
And mess me around
And then worst of all (Worst of all)
You never call baby when you say you will (Say you will)
But I love you still
I need you (I need you)
More than anyone darlin'
You know that I have from the start
So build me up (Build me up) Buttercup
Don't break my heart"

My maid is pissing me off, seriously. I mean, just because you're going back to get married doesn't mean you can start to slacken off just cause your salary is covered. Beyotch, I had to go out with out a ___ do you know how fucken uncomfortable(and sick) that is? Like seriously. AND! AND! I am sick of having instant noodles for lunch and dinner everyday. You borrow money to buy goceries and you don't fucken cook. Stupid right? And MY money somemore. Seriously, I'm already fucken broke and now I wont have any money to spend in LA. Do you know how long I've spent saving up for it? AND mommy wont let me claim cause she says "You eat the food too, so why do I have to pay you back?" Walao eh. I don't fucken eat the food she buys because she doesn't fucken cook the food so therefore mommy dearest, you have to pay me back. but if you don't want to then thats fine cause there's recession, and I'm gonna move out once I'm legal. I had to order for delivery just because she didnt want to fucken cook, and even then, I PAID FOR IT MYSELF-including delivery charge and GST. Screw It.


12:04 PM
November 19, 2008
I just wanna be with you

I have worked out a system that lets me use all my blogs and you guys can read them:D I'll link them lah. Why didn't i think of this before? hmmm, I don't know either. Okay, I should stop being lame and just link it. I (HEART) TAYLOR LAUTNER, i have to stop being so boy crazy.

So HERE it goes.

He is Still As Cute As Ever.
(and buff with his 8-pack too)


8:16 PM
November 18, 2008
It's On Repeat

1 - red rose or white? red
2 - salt or pepper? Salt
3 - pink or blue? Blue
4 - hamburgers or hot dogs? hamburgers
5 - music or movies? Movies
6 - comedy or horror? Comedy
7 - action or adventure? Adventure(cause you get action in most adventures)
8 - summer or winter? Summer
9 - sun or stars? Stars
10 - hott or cute? personality.
11 - walk or run? Walk
12 - funny or romantic? Both!
13 - crunchy or creamy peanut butter? crunchy, eventhough i say chunky.
14 - rings or necklaces? rings
15 - camping out or slumber party? slumber partyy plzzz.
16 - white or dark chocolate? Dark
17 - night or day? nights (when they're not scary)
18 - blood or guts? blood
19 - school or work? School
20 - surfing or snowboarding? Snowboarding
21 - soft candy or hard candy? hard Candy
22 - phone or e-mail? Phone
23 - pencil or pen? Pencil
24 - pizza or chicken wings? chicken wings hands down.
25 - dog or cat? none of the above.
26 - spiderman or batman? Spiderman (i'll bet KH is happy)
27 - dvd or vhs? DVDs
28 - snow or rain? rain (more fun and romantic)
29 - fat or skinny? healthy (unless you're refering to skinny jeans)
30 - prep or punk? Prep
31 - water or milk? milk
32 - fruit or vegetable? NO WATERMELONS!
33 - inside or outside? Inside
34 - friends or family? Both
35 - sweet or sour? Sweet
36 - shoe or clothes shopping? both!
37 - long or short hair? does shoulder lengthed hair count as long or short?
38 - cocky or shy? Shy, definitely
39 - ocean or pool? Pool
40 - baseball or football? football (though I can play baseball, kinda)
41 - dancing or singing? dancing
42 - couch or chair? Couch
43 - t.v. or computer? Computer
44 - house or apartment? Apartments cause they're less scary.
45 - hot chocolate or coffee? Hot chocolate
46 - white or wheat bread? Wheat
47 - rocky road ice cream or butter pecan? BUTTER PECAN OWNS!
48 - dr. pepper or mountain dew? Mountain dew, though i wouldnt drink it.
49 - pop tart or toaster strudel? Pop tart
50 - cake or pie? Cake
51 - butter or margarine? Butter
52 - mayo or miricle whip? Mayo? (and it's miracle whip btw)
53 - french or ranch dressing? french :P
54 - pretzels or potato chips? Pretzels
55 - pickles or olives? pickles
56 - black or green olives? black.
57 - strawberries or blueberries? Strawberries :)
58 - drumstick or push-ups? whats a drumstick?
59 - blt or sloppy joes? blt
60 - carrot or celery? Celery with dip!
61 - apple or grape juice? Apple
62 - frosted flakes or fruit loops Fruit loops
63 - oreos or chips ahoy? Chips ahoy
64 - m&m or skittles? M&M
65 - fried chicken or fried shrimp? Fried chicken
66 - chili or clam chowder? SJG CLAM CHOWDER
67 - strawberry or grape jelly? Grape
68 - snickers or milky way? Snickers
69 - cheese or peperoni pizza? cheese, please. (and it's pepperoni with 2 Ps)
70 - baked or mashed potatoes? Baked with a knob of butter and baco bits.
71 - taco or burritos? burritos
72 - hard shell taco or soft shelled? hard shell
73 - sausage or bacon? (turkey) bacon
74 - ravoili or lasagna? RAVIOLI (your spelling appalls me:O)
75 - cookies or candy? Candy
76 - french toast or pancakes? Bombay Toast
77 - bowling or rollerskating? Bowling?
78 - oprah or dr. phil? Oprah
79 - sandals or tennis shoes? tennis shoes(cause they're like sneakers:D)
80 - mac and cheese or cheese and crackers? Neither
81 - twister or connect four? Twister
82 - lobster or crab? lobster with butter
83 - mexican or itailian food? Italian
84 - public or private school? private schools seem so 'Upper Class' and Gossip Girl-ish. 
85 - turkey or ham sandwitch? Ham
86 - poems or short stories? Short stories
87 - gold or silver? Gold is gaudy unless they're awards.
88 - apple or banana? Apple
89 - Vanilla or chocolate? Chocolate
90 - 50 Cent or 2pac? 50cent. and i thougt it was tupac?
91 - Face or Body? Face
92 - Fall or Spring? Spring, fun colours in clothes
93 - McDonalds or Burger King? McDonalds
94 - Pepsi or Coke? COKE FTW.
95 - Abercrombie or Hollister? Abercrombie
96 - Prison Break or Lost? Prison Break fer sure.
97 - Love or Lust? Love
98 - Truth or Dare? Truth (cause it's safe)
99 - MySpace or Myspace? ;)  MySpace
100 - life in prison or dealth penalty?
depends on what I did wrong.

Type in the first thing that comes into your mind when you see these words
2 - Relationships           Angry fathers
3 - Your Last Ex            NEVER.
4 - Power                       Puff Girls
5 - Food                          tacos
6 - Drugs                        Amy Winehouse
7 - The President         Obama (yes we can)
8 - War                         America
9 - Cars                         Shimona and Yin Ying(haha)
10 - Gas Prices Rising(i'm not sure which is the world/phrase)
11 - Halloween             Night Safari
12 - Religion                 Allah
13 - Politics                  confusing/annoying
14 - Myspace                Josh Hutcherson
15 - Worst Fear           going to hell
16 - Marriage              not in the near (the very far, far, far) future
17 - Sex                        My Grandfather Gaspard Ulliel, sex on legs
18 - Fashion               FUN!
19 - Brunettes            hair.
20 - Redheads           freckles
21 - Work                   UGHHH.
22 - Football             Kaka'
23 - Animals             White Tigers (hint hint)
24 - Vanilla Ice         Ice, Ice Baby.
25 - Porta Potties    Huh?
26 - Pajamas             Party!
27 - Pictures           Liana(camwhore)

"she wants to touch me, whoa-oh!"


7:51 PM
HelloGoodbye-Baby, It's Fact

Happy (belated) Birthday Dear Saira:D Sorry It's a day late but here it goes. We've known each other since P1 though we never were close until like last year, hanging out during Promenade and then Re:Act. I (L) You To the CORE, Babe! So I dedicate this song to you, it's currently my favourite:D

Just in case their wondering
They've got us pinned terribly
They don't believe our love is real
Cause they don't know how real love feels
You should know it's true
Just now, the part about my love for you
And how my hearts about to burst
Into a thousand pieces
Oh it must be true
And they'll believe us too soon
Baby, it's fact
Our love is true
The way black is black
And blue is just blue
My love is true
It's a matter of fact
Oh, and you love me too
It's as simple as that
Baby, our love is true

They may say some awful things
But there's no point in listening
Your words are the only words
That I believe in afterwards
You should know it's true
Just now, the part about my love for you
And how my hearts about bust
Into a thousand pieces
Oh it must be true
And They'll believe us to soon
Baby, it's fact
Our love is true
The way black is black
And blue is just blue
My love is true
It's a matter of fact
Oh, and you love me too
It's a simple as that
Baby, our love is true

It's true
Oh oh oh
It's true 
Oh oh oh
It's true
Whoa oh oh

Baby, it's fact
Our love is true
The way black is black
And blue is just blue
My love is true
It's a matter of fact
Oh, and you love me too
It's a simple as that

Baby, it's fact
That our love is true
The way black is black
And blue is just blue
My love is true
It's a matter of fact
Oh, and you love me too
It's a simple as that
Baby, it's fact
Our love is true
Baby, it's fact 
Our love is true
Baby it's fact
(Baby it's fact)
Baby it's fact
Our love is true


12:55 PM
November 17, 2008
The Cockroach Crusade

Okay. SLEEP OVERR W My Cousins YOW!

Got home from Saira's, blogged, had dinner, went to watch my brother and Matin play Halo. Had a Light Saber Battle(LSB) with Ryan, I won. Hahahahahaha, i feel the force yo. Then Ryan and I got bored so we went to my room to play Uno. yes we are saddd. Then Nurul got home from her friends party/class dinner thinggum. Then we played Uno together, just the three of us. Afte that we got bored cause i kept winning so we played bluff. After that Aniq and Matin joined us. Then after like 10mins of playing, One bugger cockroach crawled under my bed. Then it crawled out and then behind my table and my sister was like,"holy crap, that's one big b_____d." and I was like,"HOLY PATTUTI" Then the 3Boys were like,"OMG KILL IT! ATTACK!" Then Ryan was like,SHT SOMEONE GET NEWSPAPER!!!!" Then I was like,"I HAVE! I HAVE! THERE ON MY TABLE!" Then Matin was blur blur. My sister and I were doubled over from laughing really hard. then the cockroach crawled between the books on my bookshelf so they tried squishing it but it crawled away. SO then we waited and it crawled out. Then Ryan started hitting it with his (really gay PURPLE light saber) and then the cockroach was smushed. haha. Then Matin covered it with the newpaper and my brother bashed it with HIS light saber. then Matin took a pic of the dead roach to add on to Aniq's collection of Dead Animals (eww grossness) then he crumpled it up and threw it away. I swear at this point, my sister and I were laughing hysterically. We were both like,"Oh my god we should have taken a video of this."

2:04 PM
November 16, 2008
My 100th post wasted on quizzes.

[x] I am shorter than 5'4. 
[x] I think I'm ugly sometimes.
[ ] I have many scars.
[ ] I tan easily. (i wish i do)
[ ] I wish my hair was a different color.
[ ] I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color.
[ ] I have a tattoo.
[x] I am self-conscious about my appearance.
[ ] I have/had braces.
[x] I wear glasses.(supposed to anyway)
[ ] I would get plastic surgery if it were 100 percent safe, free of cost, and scar-free.
[ ] I've been told I'm attractive by a complete stranger.(i wish somebody would tell me i'm attractive)
[ ] I have more than 2 piercings.
[ ] I have piercings in places besides my ears.
[ ] I have freckles.

[x] I've sworn at my parents.
[ ] I've run away from home.
[ ] I've been kicked out of the house.
[x] My biological parents are together.
[ ] I have a sibling less than one year old.
[x] I want to have kids someday.
[ ] I've had children.
[ ] I've lost a child.

[ ] I've slipped out a "lol" in a spoken conversation.
[x] Disney movies still make me cry. (BUT I'M A WOMAN, so i am entitled to cry:D )
[ ] I've peed from laughing.
[ ] I've snorted while laughing.
[x] I've laughed so hard I've cried.(countless times)
[x] I've glued my hand to something (to my other hand)
[ ] I've laughed till some kind of beverage came out of my nose.(not a beverage, chilli sauce)
[ ] I've had my trousers rip in public.

[x] I'm single
[ ] I'm in a relationship.
[ ] I'm engaged.
[ ] I'm married.
[ ] I've gone on a blind date.
[ ] I've been the dumpee more than the dumper.
[ ] I miss someone right now.
[x] I have a fear of abandonment.
[ ] I've cheated in a relationship.
[ ] I've gotten divorced
[x] I've had feelings for someone who didn't have them back.
[x] I've told someone I loved them when I didn't.
[x] I've told someone I didn't love them when I did.
[ ] I've kept something from a past relationship.

[ ] I've had a crush on someone of the same sex.(it was just ADMIRATION! does no one believe me?!)
[ ] I've had a crush on a teacher. ( EWW, no offence but Mr A is not my type, haha)
[ ] I am a cuddler. 
[ ] I've been kissed in the rain.(i wish. so lomantik)
[ ] I've hugged a stranger.
[ ] I have kissed a stranger.

[x] I've done something I promised someone else I wouldn't
[x] I've done something I promised myself I wouldn't.
[ ] I've snuck out of my house.(i've no where to go)
[x] I have lied to my parents about where I am.
[x] I am keeping a secret from the world
[x] I've cheated while playing a game.
[x] I've cheated on a test. (english test in Primary school, I got 100 if not i would have gotten 99:( )
[ ] I've been suspended from school.

[ ] I've consumed alcohol. (against my religion to drink!)
[ ] I regularly drink.
[x] I can't swallow pills.
[ ] I can swallow about 5 pills at a time no problem
[ ] I have been diagnosed with clinical depression.
[x] I shut others out when I'm upset. (at times)
[ ] I take anti-depressants.
[ ] I'm anorexic or bulimic. (EATING DISORDERS are gross, no offence to anyone)
[x] I've slept an entire day when I didn't need it.
[x] I've hurt myself on purpose.(i peel off the skin on my lips that's peeling and i make my lip swell)
[ ] I'm addicted to self harm. (unless non- self-inflicted ones count)
[x] I've woken up crying (nightmares!)

The rules are simple:
1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn't make sense!

How are you feeling today?
Going Away To College-Feeling Left Out

Will you get far in life?
Don't Stop Moving-S Club 7

How do your friends see you?
I Am An IJ Girl (band unknown)

Will you get married?
Beating Hearts Baby-Head Automatica

What's the story of your life like?
This Is How A Heart Breaks-Rob Thomas

What's secondary school life like?
Still Waiting-Sum41

Waiting for what? I'm gonna be sec3 ready what... OH waiting for O's :D

How can you get ahead in life?
Baby Got Back-Throwdown

(cause sex sells)

How do you feel about your friends?
Do You Only Want To Dance-Mya

Describe them.
Party People-Nelly Ft Fegie

(haha Bhangra yoww!)

What's tomorrow gonna be like?
Chao Xi Huan Ni-Fahrenheit(FLH)

What's in store for the weekend?
Ever So Sweet-The Early November

Saira's party was SWEET!

Describe yourself.
Until You're Mine-Demi Lovato

uh, okay...

Decribe your parents.
Work It-Nelly Ft J.T.

How's your life going?
Dont Forget-Demi Lovato

What song will they play at your funeral?
Beautiful Place-Good Charlotte

Apt, heaven is a beautful place-that is if i go to heaven in the first place. 

How does the world see you?
Dear Jamie...Sincerely Me-Hellogoodbye

Will you have a happy life?
Kiss Me-NFG

What do your friends really think of you?
Air Hostess-Busted

So they think I'm hot/a slut?

Do people secretly lust after you?
Ticket Outta Loserville-SOD

uh...So they like StarTrek too?!

How do I make myself happy?
Paralyze-Tila Tequila

What should you do with your life?
HeroHeroine-Boys Like Girls

Will you have children?
When Your Heart Stops Beating-+44

does that mean I don't like you?

8:32 PM

I just got back from Saira's. It was super fun(NY), haha. Went to the 'downstairs' park as Saira calls it then played a while-actually Rina played, the rest of us were doing random things. Then 3.50 we walked back to her house to cut the cake and open presents. It was way fun and funny. Then we played Taboo for a bit, then Ying and Saira went to cycle round.  Taboo continued and was sooo funny. My team won 24-17. hahahahaha. WE IZZ AWESOMES, no? haha. 

SAREH! I want picturess yoww! 

Haha. I'm talking to Shari Shimmen.  Haha, after so long. She hasn't given me any hugs yo:(  haha. I remember last year, every morning, she'll give me hug one. Then we talk also. Dunno why now drifted ready. WHY am i talking like... okay nvm, cannot be mean. got people ready bitch about me then still add me on facebook. walao eh. vexed KH, until so poor thing. okay. i shall stop. too.... already.

6:56 PM
November 15, 2008
Baby Got Back

Watched Yamikase during French today. Really cool movie yo. Haha, Very touching and the couple was so cute, haha. ANW tried french-braiding Nurul's hair and obviously I failed miserably. "We fail at everything we ever even try to attempt" haha. I've got tuition l8r and I don't wanna go:( I WANNA PONTENG AGAIN, but then i'll feel bad lehh, but my math still so pro okay. Very hungry. Gonna eat now. Will buy Saira's present after tuition yowzxz.

2:34 PM
November 14, 2008
If I Say I Love You, It's Because I Do.

it's about time I started doing dedications.

 Love Is Giving;
Freely And Sincerely

I can't wait to see you guys on Sunday again, at Saira's Party:D Omg, I've missed our stupid jokes. I've missed (most of) us putting on Indian accents. I've missed talking to you guys about really random things. Most of all, I've missed just sitting with you guys and laughing; just laughing. Ying Ying and Rina! Eventhough we won't be in the same class next year, we're still gonna be friends. You know why? Cause i'm gonna IM you on MSN WHENEVER i see you guys online. To RARININA as a whole, can we sit together next year during recess, all 6(or 7 with Nicolette) us. OMG, i think we should have confessions and like each other's houses, like rotational or something, once a month maybe? WE COULD HAVE GROUP STUDY DATES! haha.
 And do SS, Maths, Physics(?), Geog together. I wouldn't mind having movie marathons!
With Popcorn and Pizza and screaming(bring Prom Night!) and cookies and Lemonade yow.
Just as long as we get to spend time together again.

Divya and KH,
OMG!, I'm gonna miss being in the same class with you guys. I'm gonna miss talking to you guys and listening to what you have to say. I'm DEFINITELY gonna miss your HUGS! Oh! And I just might conduct spot checks, haha, just to see if you guys have any barcodes, then I can sell you at the supermarkets! But seriously, stop it okay? Talk to me. You might feel better, I would definitely feel good.(you trust me!) I LOVE YOU, WEIRDOS!

btw KH, you still owe me a picture :( I haven't forgotten, BWAHAHAHAHAHA.

Labels: ,

3:29 PM
Blinded By Your Lies,

ripped this of KH's Blog.

1. Qis
2. Q
3. Kissteenaa
1. my hair
2. my eyes
3. my HAIRLESS legs
1. my crooked fingers
2. my teeth
3. my fat stomach:(
1. God
2. cockroaches
3. ghosts
1. water
2. clothes
1. My Birthday Suit;D
2. School T-Shirt
3. Shorts
1. faith
2. hope
3. love
1. kite flying
2. camwhoring
3. listening to music
1. Hang Out W Da Creww
2. Sleep
3. Shop
1. USA
2. Emirates Stadium
3. Nepal
1. Get married
2. Do Theatre Studies in Uni
3. Do The Hajj and Omra
1. i wear bra
2. i have a pussy...cat
3. i have the time of the month once a month.
1. i don't usually wear dresses
2. i don't wear heels
3. i don't know
1. You
2. Her
3. everyone

 Whoa, I can't do it by myself


1:57 PM
November 13, 2008
I'm happy as a child


I've learnt how to beat the nightmares. I think. Like REFLECT kind of think. I really don't know what to blog about. but I really want to. Maybe I should write a poem. Naww, i'm brain dead now like seriously. I can't wait for AMERICA! I want to shop till my feet hurt yow. I want to go back to LJ with a new URL but then i feel like i should delete my other ones and i don't want to. Okay I will. I just deleted my xanga and LJ and now I feel so empty:( AIYAH! I should be studying my arabic for my exams but won't it be better if I retained, then i won't forget. 

2:08 PM

I've forgotten how much I love Motion City Soundtrack. I really can't wait to see RARININA on Sunday. It's been so long :( I'm watching 90210 and i want to meet Jessica Stroup. She was amazing in Prom Night like OMG! haha. Adrianna is such a beyotch, she should g.a.d. >>:( And I Think Ethan/Dustin is cuter now, since there's no more Ty Collins to oogle. Navid's quite cute too! Haha. I want the series DVD to come out plzz, and I also want Gossip Girl series 1 DVD. :(( maybe I can get them in the states. OMG! WHAT IF I ACTUALLY MEET ADAM GREGORY...nahhh, highly unlikely though completely possible. Epi8 LOAD FASTERRR YO!

"Betty it’s so hard to relate
To the whole human race
I don’t know where to begin
I don’t know where to begin
If we can both find a way
To do the things that we say
We might not sit in our rooms
And drink our daydreams away
Betty, I’m a dreamer
I’m not a vicious schemer
Oh Betty won’t you.. ah ____ it "

-The Future Freaks Me Out-Motion City Soundtrack

12:34 PM
November 12, 2008

Im still wondering how do you make a snapshot of like your com screen, if you get what i mean. do you like need a webcam?  Somebody teach the noob.

Thanks To Cherie for teaching me:D 

Blackouts:( They suck kay. 

11:40 AM
November 11, 2008
Hear Me-Ow

Had Gelare just now, the best 1/2 price waffles ever:D haha, the banana smoothie sucked though. I wanna go to Orange Julius again. Very hungry now. Pretty much the only exciting thing today yo:(

7:02 PM
November 10, 2008
I cant take it, i cant take it anymore

My nightmares must stop. I managed to take a nap without any nightmares, all blank but it took me half an hour to get to nap cause my mum called on phone too find out about my dad and then i had to run around the house opening the doors and stuff. Very annoying lah. But at least I had something to do.

But Anyway, I feel accomplished cause I woke up EARLY today. I got to walk and take the MRT with Nurul(my older sister) and that felt nice cause i wasn't walking alone! And also cause my earpieces spoilt so I scolded them kind of and lucky she was there if not I would look crazy(not that i'm not, just Im not that kind of crazy). I woke up at like 2am cause  dreamt about the P-lady. Too afraid to even open my eyes so i just closed them and was playing back the nightmare, it was scary.  Went to school to help out for the showcase. Ushered and stuff, some people seriously very blur leh, got signs also cannot follow, so we had to guide them. -.- but it was okay lah. My route got so many people, Kylie just stood there and was like stoned/high cause her spot only have Primary School Parents. then we counted down to 9.15 then went back to Dance Studio but Saira said we had to wait for the St. Nickoras girls, AND MR ARMSTRONG DIDNT TELL US CAN?! Like wl eh. But I thought i saw them so I said, they reached ready what... i thought, then we went up. Heh, a while later St Nicks girls came and i was like,OMFG, plzz dont get me scolded. but Mr A didn't say anything. OH! AND MY BACK GOT WET know. We had to move the shoes to under that thingy where the 'windows' outside the Dance Studio was. The white thing that slopes downwards. Yeah, so was chucking arranging the shoes there and like rainwater just gushed down on my back and Kylie's hair. I was damn pissed and wet after that. We went back in, our socks were wet, out pinafores were wet and we were freezing cold but no one was concerned. So much for compassion right? But like whatevss lah. I tried not to think about it but I was seriously pissed. Then after the refreshments(i took some dimsum and pizza bread cause I hadn't eaten breakfast) we helped clean up. Kylie and I went running around St Mike's looking for brooms to sweep the floor while speaking in our HK/China Accents. I am pleased to say that I now know what a bassoon sounds like when you don't play it properly; woody and hollow. Uh yeah, then walked to TP w Kylie, Saira and Ariaga. Went to Fairprice to get my dad some instant porridge and go to Popular to get some stuff. Ariaga was kinda hurt cause she saw Petrina but Pet didn't say Hi. So sad right. Then they went for lunch before SYF and I went home. Then went to send my dad to the doctor, doctor was closed, walked home, waited for 2.30 for the lunch break to be over, walked back to the doctor(my dad was dying from the pain-he thought he strained a muscle in his back/leg), waited, i read some SS- gave me a headache cause it was too colourful and my eyes started to hurt then my head started too, so then I stopped reading, my dad said the doctor thinks he might have a slip disk and wants him to have an Xray so he got some letter/form thing and we walked to the Xray center which was nearby. it smelled nice and had comfortable sofas in the waiting room, unlike the doctor's waiting area which smelled of sanitizer and had hard plastic chairs. Then we had to wait one hour for the Xray so we went home, then they called, collected the XRAY, went to see the doctor(again), It was just normal wear and tear, so he prescribe painkillers and some pills for the nerves. Went home-bought bananas which are now finished.   

Made some Geog notes, watched M.I. High on OKTO, that Blaine guy is cute-nice hair and cute ENGLISH accent. What is it with girls and accents? hmmm....


9:24 PM
November 09, 2008
I can keep a secret if you can keep me guessing.

Went to fetch Daddy from the airport like 5-ish then we went to have dinner with Uncle Rafik and Family at Sedap Corner. Very filling, and i'm too full to get off my chair, haha. Yeah, OH YOU KNOW, this afternoon I saw an accident, then this whole group of 'concerned' (cough-kpo-cough) people gathered around the poor man who got knocked down by a car. Then an ambulance came. I saw some guy holding 4D tickets, so i was thinking, NO WONDER LAH! Can take down the car license plate no. and time of the accident for 4D. haha. I've been having bad dreams lately, like ghost stories. There was one where Yin Ying and I were being haunted by an old chinese lady (ghost) that was 2 nights ago, then last night there were 2 Saira's (1 IS ENOUGH! AHHH! joking Saira, I LOVE YOU!) and one was a ghost. And then i woke up and it was like 3-ish, so i closed my eyes, too afraid to get out of bed. Maybe my room is _______, so i should put a pomelo by my door and see if it turns bad after a few days (HAHAHAHAHAHA, sorry inside joke). I would never do that cause it would be like believing in a power other than god. I mean yeah, there can be ghosts and stuff, you'd never know cause you cant see them(and this coming from a sciencey person) but GOD is the greatest, so we shouldn't be afraid. I mean if you believe in God. 

I don't mind doing duty tomorow with some of my favourite peoples(L, S, K, C) but at 8 in the morning?! Mr A should understand the whole beauty sleep thing, We ARE Girls. 



7:37 PM
November 08, 2008

I really should start clearing my table. =.= (random)

Salut Bonjour cher(e) (imagine your name here and add the 'e' in cher if you're a girl)

e.g. Bonjour Chere Qistina

 My french is so bad. I think Jerome is like annoyed with me or something. So only Cheryl, Zydney, Shivanaan and I went for class today. Jerome wanted to teach us some more 'pronom's but there were only 4 of us and he didn't want the rest to miss out, so yeah. I really have to practice my french, but there is NOONE to talk to. Not unless i call Zydney and ask him to speak with me in french but it'll be weird and he'll start using big words and i'll be like uh.... and he probably has better things to do. Stupid RI boy. 

I need to borrow Nurul's popular card, might as well buy note making supplies but i won't open them until my desk( and room) has been cleaned, and swept and mopped. Mopping is too much work. Actually, i can get them later in december or something.

OOH! THEN I CAN GO TO THE DONUT FACTORY! I have this sudden craving for donuts ever since Zyd started talking about his lit teacher who is going back to Perth to run some bakery, heh. "My dream is to wake up every morning and bake...donuts!" haha, gay (as in happy) stuff.

Off to go have lunch and pack my bag for tuition (tons of fun, srsly!) "Oh Indices, My love!"
yep, i'm seriously a dork/nerd. Au Revoir. (heh, i'm using french yowwzxz)


2:27 PM
November 07, 2008

I can't take Physics. I don't want to start physics on my own, i hate the first chapter. My head is like," aiyah, measurements and stuff only, not important leh." but also "This could help, then you'd be less confused later on." Hmmm.

But, I shall tackle Physics at a later day. I'll stick to chem first. 

We haven't had dinner as a family for a couple of days already and i'm starting to miss it:(

6:43 PM
Smile For The Paparazzi

Que Pasa? 

I should start making chem and physics notes soon if  wanna 'float' next year. 'Floating' is good. But i'll need to get notebooks and coloured pens. Then I also need to get organised and colour coordinate. I doubt that will ever happen. should just stick to making colourful notes cause colours are supposed to help improve memory. I'll just wait for saturday to borrow Nurul's Popular card. I could type them out first. but i do prefer writing. wait. i can use the yellow foolscap haha. okay. Then i should get off the com... but i dont want to. SELF CONTROL! SELF CONTROL! okay. GET OFF THE COM NOW! 1-2-3-4-5

why are you still on the com?!

talk about self control.


1:40 PM
November 06, 2008
Dig This List

I spent so long editing this skin. i didn't like the font size, the colour of the links and other minute stuff and now am generally happy with it. then i realised that my blog layout is the same as FGF's. and i was like, umm... i think she'll be okay with it lah. like whatevss.

Ten Songs I'm Currently Into:
  1. FOB-Dead On Arrival
  2. Paris Hilton-Turn You On
  3. Be Your Own Pet-The Kelly Affair
  4. N.E.R.D.-Rock Star
  5. Adele-Chasing Pavements
  6. OST-HSM3-Scream
  7. The Scorpions-Rock You Like A Hurricane
  8. Alex Gaskarth, Juliet Simms, and 3OH!3-Careless Whisper
  9. Skye Sweetnam-Music Is My Boyfriend
  10. Metro Station-Wish We Were Older
Really am bored, and hungry.


for Rina, Class Combinations
(all classes have to take Eng, MT, E.Maths)
A.Math, Physics, Chem, Lit, SS/Geog

A.Math, Bio, Chem, Geog, SS/Hist

A.Math, Bio, Chem, Lit, SS/Geog

A.Math, Physics/Chem, Lit, SS/Geog, 8th Sub:Art

Bio/Chem, SS/Hist or SS/Geog, POA, Hist/A.Math/F&N

Physics/Bio, SS/Hist or SS/Geog, POA, Hist/A.Math/F&N



3:51 PM
November 05, 2008

was 'sposed to do quite a lot of stuff in school tday. boredbuddy, didnt want to take pic with her hair like that, haha. so you still owe me a pic...

I hate my internet connection. My wireless adaptor is so loose, i h8 it to the core man. I should listen to Ari and use direct connection yow. but then must move my com:( aiyah, whatevs lah. see if i can survive for a couple more days till my dad gets back from his soccer thing in Jakarta. 

"Lucky, i'm in love with my bestfriend"

but i don't feel lucky at all.

Liana, I am Fine Yow.


6:21 PM

I got into 3/3 yow! happy happy, cause i got into 3/3 with drama. I only put 3/2 as my first choice cause i knew that 3/3 would be a popular choice when i really wanted 3/3, but then twist of luck, 3/2 is a non-drama class so yeah awesomezxz. so i got my 2nd choice which was actually like my 1st choice. get it? 

don't worry KH, after you re-read this like 3 times or so, you'd probably get it:) SLOWLY. 

-.- i've already thought of a class t design. haha...nahh

I'm getting very tired and stressed out just by looking at my textbooks, esp. phys and chem tbs yow.

1:11 PM
November 04, 2008

90210, 9pm tonight on STARWORLD. not AXN. muh badd yo. 

I thought Sec4 farewell was 21st Nov? Shiiz. What time uh? If it's before 7 ish then can go. Then chiong class bbq after, i mean if it's in school lah. Haven't had lunch. My maid went to pick Hana up then go buy KFC for me. Haha. Psyched for 90210 and tmr yow. haha. can fangirl with FGF, mabes. 



1:58 PM
November 03, 2008

To Liana, Thats why I smsed you guys after i posted that. prolly cause Saira and Rina are almost always MIA online. haha. (don't know if you'd read this either but heck.)

Anyway, don't have much to blog about. Hopeflly this is relatively short. Um..., woke up at 7.40 got ready in 20mins to send my dad to the Airport, had brekkie, he went through gates, took skytrain with mom, danny, hana and nicky. went to mom's school, ran after danny most times - water dispenser water and tap water in staffroom is undrinkable like wthh-.- yeah. had lunch with mom's friends went to fetch sister, reach home watched The Nanny Diaries, touching movie. wanted to cry, didn't though. looking forward to the 5th for results and seeing 2/4 peeps and pic with KXXHXX (:p), 6th ..i think.. for premiere of 90210 on AXN. CABLE YOWZXZ!! yeah. 

my ' " key is sticky :(  so is the I. damn I hate Hello Kitty.   

10:09 PM
November 02, 2008

24th NOV can?
confirm that we want to meet then, then ask for permission?

vid on KH's blog sweet man.

8:25 PM

very bored seyy. Cousins are over, not talking to them. Danial is stuck to me like glue, wanted to make cookies but lazy to whisk, bored. QUIZ!

1.How old will you be in 3 years?

2. Do you think you'll be married by then?

3. What do you look forward to most in the next 2 months?
-USA!, End of holidays,Start of school term

4. When did you last watch a movie,with?
-HSM3, Fareed +bro, My bro, Dan, Aliff

5. Have you ever played a team sport?
-Yeah, won't specify.

6. Who was the last person to text you?

7. Who was the last person you hugged?
-Danial, bro

8. What were you doing at midnight last night?
-Going to bed

9. What did you last spend money on?
-Baking goods.

10. Last time you saw your dad?
-'couple a minutes ago

11. What happened at 2:00 a.m. today?
-madrasah/religious classes

12. Do you see your ex everyday?

13. If you could be anywhere right now, where would it be?
-"right here, waiting"

14. Do you prefer shoes, socks, or bare feet?
-depends on where

15. What was the last thing you drank?

16. Favorite ice cream?
-Ben and Jerry's

17. Miss someone?
-Why do all quizzes have this question? -.-

18. Anything embarrasing happened today?

19.Jaywalked before?
-Yes, to get to the MRT station/home.

20. Do you keep a piggy bank?
-no, more of a money box.

21. Do you prefer an ocean or a pool?

22. Do you prefer a window seat or an aisle seat?
-window seat.

23. What is your favorite thing to spend money on?

24. Can you roll your tounge?

25.Anything around you reminds you off the past?
-a lot of stuff.

26. Which toilet do you go to?
-THE LADIES, -.-, one in the kitchenn.

4:57 PM
November 01, 2008

Recipe for cookies we made at Shimona's house.
  1. 125g Butter
  2. 1/2 cup Brown Sugar
  3. 1/3 cup Castor/Table Sugar
  4. 1 tsp Vanilla Essence
  5. 1 Egg
  6. 1 1/2 cup Self-Raising Flour
  7. 3/4-1 cup Chocolate Chips

  1. Preheat oven to 160 degreesC
  2. Cream butter and sugars together until light and fluffy
  3. Add in vanilla essence, mixing well then gradually adding in the egg
  4. Add in flour tablespoon by tablespoon, gradually, mixing well
  5. Spoon out on trays then bake for 10-15 mins till golden brown.
Trust me, they're fckin' awesome can? I suggest you use non-stick pans though and scrape them off the pan as soon as they come out. makes it easier to scrape off. Mix at lowest speed i.e. speed 1 if using a mixer, GO OLD SCHOOL YO! Make batches and bring to school. haha.


11:08 PM

Made AWESOME cookies, watched HORROR movies, went to the night safari and got scared shitless in the process, took pictures; where there was light, slept, played the drums yow, did weird things, played hide and seek.

Saira When She Just Woke Up.
You'd Think Her Hair Couldn't Be Messier.

Liana wasn't afraid:(

Shimona Another Camwhore Yo.


Ying, haha.

Saira; Bimbo Plzz.

She Matched The Chair Yow!
"It Don't Matter If You're Black Or White" haha.

So Ffunn yow. :( I WANNA HAVE ANOTHER SLEEPOVER. With Bombay Toast.


2:49 PM

I have a craving for 'Bombay Toast' naa. it's french toast but that's what they call it at Shimona's house. Haha. Really good. Okay. I'll post pics first then tell you what happened in the next post.

Ordering Pizza. Liana's such a camwhore.


In Shim'z garden/front yard.

Un-Macho, Supposedly Macho

Our Failed Attempt at a 'Jump' Shot:P


Liana thinks it all the time.

I think That's Saira?

More pics to come yow.


10:38 AM