Heart's A Mess
it makes no sense but i'm desperate to connect
February 25, 2009

I can't wait to get my progress report. I need to know where I stand so that I can change my tactics to reach my goal : 6points for O levels (EL, Emath, Amath, Chem, Drama, SS/Geog) to go to RJC/HCJC. (former cause i get to see him and latter cause the arts scene there is so ALIVE!)

EXCITED FOR CHEM TEST RESULTS. I want to know my percentage damn badly. Of course I do know that the end result is just part of it. What really counts is the growth (journey) to get the result. I'm in my drama mode now.

Yday I was TB's understudy cause she was absent and Nat said that the way I portrayed the flower was beautiful (which means that I don't suck at what I do, YAY!)

7:17 PM
Bah Hambug(merry christmas)

I have to use face wash now :( or else i'll get the allergies again:( and then my face'll swell up like a pufferfish again. OMG, i'm damn noob leh. I had to read the DIRECTIONS for the FACE WASH. haha. Yes, it is my first time using face wash. In my defence, i do not get pimples. The last time I had one was in P6 (3years ago) and it was my first one. heh.

Was opposite the mosque beside MOELC and bunny, NS and I saw 2 ITE boys walking out of the mosque. Then Bunny was like,"Omg, well that's a surprise" haha. Very bad eh. What they do is their business unless it affects you directly or indirectly. For examples, those teenagers who think being a gangster is cool and drop out of school. All I have to say is, Thank You cause you made it easier to do better academically and to find a job :)

My english essay today was pretty OK. I was trying to think outside of the box. Our topic was change. haha. Um, I knew everyone would write about how something has changed or like how they've grown or bullcrap like that so I wrote my own bullcrap about CELEBRATING CHANGE! We do celebrate change-Baby Showers, Birthdays, Puberty (in some places), Marriage. They're all celebrations of change :) Even money is change. hahaha. I thought my conclusion wasn't much of a concluson though.

It's wrong to say that change is a bad thing. The outcome just depends on what you do to make the situation work for you because for better or for worse, the change not only affects you but the ones you love too. Change is impossible to avoid. (this is my cliche bit. wait for it. wait for it...) CHANGE IS INEVITABLE. (haha)

So cheemzz hor. I should have used 'we' or 'one' instead of 'you' to make it sound formal-ish. damn. I calculated and since essay writing is 30 marks and constitutes 60% of my grade, I need a 22/30 to get the minimum score for A1 (plus my oral mark which is 32/40 heh)

Went to CWP to get a hairband and at Chameleon, they have the double one which is so totally GG but they didn't have it in RED or Blue which was so fucken sad man. haha yes. I want that band hair band thing. The elastic-y one. haha. Bunny is really obsessed with Z___ she be crushin' bad.

6:23 PM
February 24, 2009
Qis is so super stressed.

Nick didn't come to school today:(

I found Danial's FaceBook haha!

Accomplishment: 17/20 for geog:D Olanda was crying beside me and I was like,"OMG! No! Don't cry (:S) It's okay to fail. You know where you've gone wrong! It's okay. CA don't count. Fail then Fail Lah! please don't cry!"

Mr Chan wants me to go for honours day as an audience which means I have to go for french in school uni:( Thank god for reception=free food! But i DONT want to wake up early just to see a bunch of overachieving people receive prizes that they probably paid for through school fees Awesome 3/3 peeps getting awards horr.

I failed one part of lit, I got 11/25 but I got a C6 overall cause I got 17/25 for the mockingbird one. I own you plzz.

I have a malay essay to do. Cikgu Fadillah= crazy if she thinks Imma actually write it. Bsides, only my ML O's at the end of the year counts and if I PASS i get oh so much closer to going to RJ.

SYF was pretty darn good. The costumes came in and everyone looks so CUTE! haha. 'Specially Saira. So hot horzz. And The Little Prince's costume was super cute and funky. Red cap with green shorts. And I had to play that Scissors Paper Stone game in my christmas-y boxers haha the blue argyle ones with snowflakes and reindeer and lightning bolts. ahaha. We won the scissors paper stone game zorhzxz.

My phone is super awesome. It's damn wicked cause i can read word documents on it :D

9:32 PM
February 23, 2009
Ai Ai Ai

I didn't go to school today cause daddy said my rash on my face was still quite bad and he didn't want me to go to school in case I perspire and aggravate it. I have to finish the course i think but I'm not sure. I should have asked the doctor. I think I would have preferred the injection since pills and i don't really mix well. and I'm not really afraid of pain.

So anyway, Imma blog about camp. YAY!

Day 1.
we gathered in school for the usually before they dispatched instructors, Syah and Cecilia(whom we met at Costa- Looks like Hanisah's sister). Then we introduced ourselves, took attendance, appointed ICs and went RAH RAH with cheers haha. Then we went to Costa Lawn at Pasir Ris Park where 3/2 and we had to pitch tents (grammar?). KAH HUI YOU RETARDED GIRL. haha weirdo bug thing. Then we were assigned tents. My group was the coolest lorh, we got Tent T 33. so cool right? Then we had amazing race with the ODDBALLS and 4 random netballers (whom I dont even like) and lunch before going to Kallang for dragonboating. I've learnt 3 very important lessons while dragonboating:

1. Never sit behind Beatrice because she will get salt water all over your face, in your eyes and on your front.
2. Never sit in front of Beatrice because that will get your back wet
3. Beatrice can't paddle.

But I still LOVE you Beatrice cause you are special in your own weird way :D

After Dragonboating I had to wait forever just to shower and I didnt get to wash my face or my really dry/damaged hair.

Went back to Costa for dinner and debrief. Gala night Cheer prep with the whole of the sec3s except for netballers. Then Gala Night Class Prep. Go Austria! I'll be Bach! (not Bach lah, Mozart's from Austria!) Guessing 3/5 was our only competition. Slept alone in the tent for a while cause my tentmates went off to shower and that gave us a very pissed XY and Olanda cause they were the first ones to get to the shower but they got chased out before the got wet. Not fair, they were there before 11.15 what? Then they all came back to the tent and fished around for their sleeping bags in the dark cause we weren't allowed to use flashlights which was pretty unreasonable cause it was pretty DARK and the whole point of flashlights is to help you SEE in the DARK. So i managed to sleep OK without kissing Nut or Nia's towel (Molly Makeout) on either side of me.

Day 2.

Woke up at 5.40 cause everyone really wanted to go shower. So i stayed alone in the tent half asleep, changing into new clothes, brushed my teeth by the drain at the water collection point went back to the tent still empty. 7am we all went down to the Marquee for breakfast. Liana said my eyes were all wrinkly and puffy like I'd worn goggles or somethng. Thought nothing of it, apply aloe gel thinking it would help then we boarded the bus to Shines for elements. WHOO! was really psyched to rockclimb but we didn't get to. :( I didn't get to do the single or double line so i was pretty disppointed. Helped belay. Had lunch. Did low elements which cheered me up a little cause ODDBALLS worked so well together. Haha. Super bonding time luh. After that we switched and went to Negotiation course which was super super cool. I did the log thing with Liana and I managed to get all the way across but Liana got stuck at the skinny plank and she 'fell' cause it must have hurt hanging on that plank. Then I helped belay and spot other peepz (I AM STICKING TO SPOT AND NOT SUPPORT). Then when we were all done Sarah Ho asked if any of us wanted to do an element with her and I volunteered if not so poor thing cannot do the long log thing where you have to walk across without holding on to anything but your friend's hand. So we did just that. We successfully did it wthout falling. Super cool lah. It was like all our enegy was used up just to focus on one point. The best part was that I wasn't afraid of falling because I could trust my belay team and Syah and Sarah and the equipment (cause you could trust all the people you want but if you dont trust that the harness and crabbs will keep you safe you'll do nothing). Super fun. Went to the basketball court to do some group games and at this point in time we were all distracted and fed-up. We couldn't untangle ourselves. I think the application was one thing. Went back to Costa. Showered scissors paper stoned with laura to see if we should share cubies and laura won twice which meant we should share but we didn't want to haha. so we showered in separate cubies. Gala Night Prep. Dinner. Shi Pei came back, helped us with the skit thing. Then we assembled at the marquee. Zul joined us. (omg he had Hanisah and me swooning mann. haha.) gala night was awesome lah. Very fun yow. I HEARTS 3/4s Performance cause they were dancing to MUNDIAN TO BACH KE! haha and i was singing and Syah was staring at me with the WTH look cause I was bhangra-ing and singing along. haha. After that watched a vid with none of our class pics lor:( Brushed teeth, and private stuff. went to sleep:D

Day 3 :(
Woke up with my face red and puffy. I looked a little slit eyed. Stayed under the marquee. drank lots of water. Had breakkie with the teachers. Mr Ragulan damn cool/funny leh. My swelling went down. had to pee a lot a lot leh. Debrief, had team relay so fun haha. Then we cheered RAH RAH RAH then talked. Group hugged our Facile (to a certain extent) Facilitators. haha. Went back to school. Took forever to look for daddy,. Apparently he was driving our new car -.- haha.
went to the doctor (who is apparently my tuition teachers nephew. so cool hor) gave me pills for the allergies.

Camp was super fun, bonding with 3/3 was amazing. At first I felt like 3/3 was like this mish mash of people but camp made this mish mash of people become gel. And now I feel like 3/3 is where we really belong. Fun like tons of fun yow. Appreciate the experiences. Though allergies suck:(

1:49 PM
February 21, 2009
Guess Who's Back, Back, Back?

Just got back from the doctor's. Ive got some allergic reaction so the doctor gave me some medicine-which is totally sick- to bring down the swelling. It's still bloody itchy now. Ponning tuition later. ahaha.

I'm happy cause I found HIS facebook. Heh Hanisah.


3:37 PM
February 17, 2009
Just One Thing That You Never Wanna Miss,

I have to learn how to be a better friend because at the rate I'm going, the only friend I'm prolly gonna have is my blog. I MUST learn to be tactful and phrase things in such a way so as not to offend anybody. I'm damn pissed with myself now, cause they've never done anything bad to me, so why then am hurting them with my words and actions?

i cant remember how long i spent verbally abusing and insulting myself. it would be better if i talked less. i should do that. now i have a new motto to live by, don't speak if you have nothing god(or at the least bit witty and not lame) to say.

Oh and thanks t Amirul who made me PB sandwiches for dinner y'day :D Gives you a big hug.

I am also looking forward to finish watching Mississippi Burning with 3/6 in the AVA room tmr. Haha, Rina and Tb and KH haha. Maybe I might get my letter.


8:37 PM
February 15, 2009

I swear, I will hate Mr Daryl Chan forever if he makes us do something really really tiring for PE tomorrow cause then I'm gonna be all stinky and gross when I go for tuition straight after Dramamamamama.

2:18 PM
Chasing A Rockstar

OMG, someone from tuition asked me out today. I said No, I've got a date with homework. And He looked disappointed. Then He asked if I wanted to go study w him in the library and I was like, Sorry but I find the library distracting :( Then he was like, oh. So i said, why dont you talk to me online if you want? I feel bad eh. Don't know whether he thinks I like him cause I don't want to be leading him on. my.

7:26 AM
February 14, 2009
What you ought to and ought not to do

I Should Be Doing Math (Homework)
But I Haven't Got A Clue What Exercise It Is That I Have To Do
Besides, We Dont Have To Hand It In and
Therefore, I Wouldn't Do It Even If I Knew What It Was.

I Shouldn't Be Staying Up Late
Cause It'll Screw My Bio Clock
And I Won't Be Able To Get Up
At The Ungodly Hour of 8AM
To Go For Tuition
To Do Math
And See The Annoying Boys
Who Bully Me But Need My Help For Math
Too Bad For Them, I Haven't Done Matrices Yet.
Lucky For Them, I'm Good At Virtually Everything Else.
except for sports,
my body is uncoordinated,
you should see me in PE.
Pickle Ball, pfft.

I Think The Dhol is Damn Sexy.
Haha, I Think A Lot Of Things Are Sexy
Like Gaspard, Arshavin and Sheckler.
Also Zyd's hot. (his french, intellect and personality. He dont have to look good to impress me.)
sssss, i think he is, don't matter to me if you don't. (i'm honest that way, thanks to my lack of tact)

I Shouldn't Be Fantasizing About A Boy I (prolly) Can't Have,
But Hey It's Nice To Think You Have A Chance
Too Bad I'm Pretty Dumb (in a lot of ways)

I Shouldn't Be So Deep/Inquisitive/Curious
For Such An Insensitive/Over Emotional Girl

I Should Blog To Keep This Thing Alive
But Not To The Extent Of
Not Doing Homework and
Posting Too Many Times.
I'm Bored.
I Really Don't Mind Going To School
Cause It's Not Like I Go Out During Hols
Which Adds On To My Insane Boredom
And BoredBuddy's Phone Bill,
My Phone's More Sensitive Than I Am.
Try Talking Through That Thing & It'll Put You On Hold.

I ought not to read my letters that make me cry (then i won't be able to sleep) but they make me feel happy and appreciated.

10:40 PM

Song memo.

1. One of the earliest songs you remember listening to:
Le Ann Rimes-Can't Fight The Moonlight

2. Song by the artist you last saw live:
Fall Out Boy-This Ain't A Scene

3. Song that you currently can't get out of your head:
A Rocket To The Moon-Just Another One

4. Song by someone who is dead:
Dont have any.

5. Song you discovered from a film:
Elton John-Can You Feel The Love Tonight

6. Song you love to sing along to:
We The Kings-Secret Valentine

7. Song you totally misunderstood the first time you heard it:
Smashing Pumpkins-Today

8. Love song:
Hellogoodbye-Baby, It's Fact

9. Song that makes you nostalgic:
Destiny's Child-Survivor

10. Song that makes you cry:
Plus 44-Make You Smile
(It's a beautiful song)

11. Song that makes you laugh:
Singh Is Kinng-Jee Karda

12. Song that makes you want to dance:
Lady Gaga-Just dance

13. Song with food in the title:
Jack Johnson-Banana Pancakes

14. Song that creeps you out:
Skye Sweetnam-Music Is My Boyfriend

15. Really good cover song:
Sam Tsui-Can I Have This Dance

16. Song about waking up or dreaming:
A Rocket To The Moon-Fear Of Flying

17. Song you only like because of the title:

18. Song you like from an artist that you otherwise don't like:
Miley Cyrus-Rock Star

19. Song you hate:
Jonas Brothers-Lovebug

20. Wildcard:
The Friday Night Boys-That's What She Said

9:37 PM
Give me the green light.

"we may get lost and lose our way,
but will find hope in tomorrow's today"

Random poem I started but can't finish below:

We run parallel

In two separate worlds

My road bends and

We crash

You help me up and

ask me "Are you alright?"

I look and see you smile,

I blush and say, "I'm fine, I'm sorry for the trouble"

you say "It's quite alright"

we turn and walk together

The road we walk

Is long and winding

We see the sunset, the sun rising

Now i just have to finish it. Been writing a lot of poems lately, even though I am 'Poetically Pathetic'. I've also been listening to love poems (to the common folk: Love Songs), mostly sung by guys so when I sing along, I have to change 'girl' to 'boy' haha.

"I Love You,
Isn't that a poem already?"

3:06 PM
February 13, 2009
Whirlwind of emotions.

Generally happy today until I got my chocolates from Kah Hui.

First reason why I was happy was cause NicKoh came back to school:D You should have seen how Ying, Liana, Kimberly, Saira and I were running to the car. haha. We thought we were late for math, but we weren't.

Second reason was cause we didn't have lit so I wasnt completely drained before Math and I really can't stand Scout now.

Third was we had a drill and the blocked the stairs, I still don't understand why they don't say the fire is at the stairs. If I was an arsonist who wanted to start a fire, I would set my MALAY books on fire and put them on the staircase. Haha. And guess what was the first thing saved? SS project that was due today. haha Seriously just ran out of class with the file.

And um rehearsals were pretty good, Fared was cool. And I have to remember the steps to teach Clara on tuesday.

We also had the adventure camp briefing so now I'm pretty psyched and i have to rent/steal stuff from Nurul and Aniq(muahahaha)

Then why I wasn't happy after seeing Kah Hui (and usually I am happier being with people I do like) was cause I couldn't get a hug from her cause M was there. Wityotch. And why I didn't hug her was cause I didn't want rumours (about us) to spread (again). And i was thinking about last year and the tumultuos EOYs. So yeah. Tabitha said that everyone thought we were together and that It was no surprise seeing as how close we were. It was just admiration; of her innocence, and affection; for someone vulnerable. But honestly, no one bothered to check with us(prolly cause it's none of their business). Seriously, I wouldn't date a girl, unless it was like a super hot chick (which would probably never happen). I got priorities; PASSING O LEVEL DRAMA and DOING WELL IN 3/3 (suppossedly the best class academically and people than 3/1 and 3/2 hahah!). You won't see a boyfriend up there any time soon (unless he asked me out before after O levels haha bet that confused you a little).

7:42 PM
February 12, 2009

I can't remember my favourite cookie recipe. I wanted to bake for V'day gifts. So nevermind, I go buy ferero haha. ASKED MUMMY FOR $14.

YAY NIC is coming tmr:D Dang, I'm only gonna have like 5 sec for lunch tmr.

4:06 PM
February 11, 2009

I LOVE NISHA, too bad we only have one pic of just us. Sec 3 s super stressful (mostly cause of Mrs Tay and her i want all your work according to register no. and no one bothers to update so i have to remember ):

I WANT Short Joes and Island again. miss having multiple scoops of strawberry sorbet and teh tarik with you guys.

I miss being Sec 2, god. I miss BoredBuddy and annoying her everyday wth my insane boredom(and text messaging her like there's no tomorrow). I MISS NICK a lot especially with that empty chair beside me all the time and not knowing when it'd be filled again. I miss her presence. I have to visit her soon. Hear she has guitar hero, maybe we can play(and she'll obviously beat the crap out of me in that game)

8:49 PM
February 08, 2009

New Eye Candy, heh. Andrei Arshavin is so so so so HAWT! haha, even Rina appologised to me saying that he was hotter than Fabregas, haha.

I think He looks a lot like Gaspard/Torres.
Course I put Gaspard's pic there cause he's so much hotter than Torres please.

7:28 PM
February 07, 2009
I Think, Therefore I Am.

I heard about this comment where someone said that teenagers aren't giving up their seats in the MRT trains and questioning society.

Firstly, if you take the MRT in the early mornings and at 6pm in the evenings when many teenagers(who are still studying in secondary schools) are on their way home, they do not get any seats because many elderly folk and some working class adults take up these seats.

Secondly, students are in school longer than most adults work 9-5. Including CCAs and supplementary classes, most students stay in school as late as 7pm. I myself as a drama elective student stay in school till 7pm on Mondays and I still have to rush to Woodlands for tuition at 8pm with a heavy load of books and muscle aches from vigorous activities during my drama class. My tution teacher knows that i have to rush but I do understand that because I take up group tuition, it is difficult to move the class to a different time for the benefit of just one student, he has to consider the other students in the group who have made special arrangements to attend tuition. Yet, I do not get a seat in the MRT. Most people think that since I'm young I'm strong enough to stand for half an hour in an MRT train where everyone has to make space for commuters boarding the MRT train. It's like being in a can of sardines. But when you have homework up to your knees, a bag that weighs more than 10% of your weight with no space to put it on the floor, a back problem due to that and having to sleep at 12pm and getting up at 5.30 to repeat this whole cycle, you wonder why they don't put up signs for you to offer you seats to students as well.

Why do you say that teenagers don't give up their seats when most adults pretend to sleep on the MRT trains because theyre tired from work when some women wear heels and carry tiny handbands and the men only have briefcases in their hands? Students have heavy backpacks and late nights to deal with. Don't you think that students deserve these seats more than the working class adults? I dont hear anyone expecting much from our 'working class heroes' but when it comes to education, students are pushed to work harder, to score better, to get straight As. I think being a student is more stressful than working.

You could argue this by saying that adults are tired from working to earn their monthly salaries, to pay the bills and necessities but you should know that if you had less to pay for, the more money you would have to save. You don't have to buy a new handphone, one that can send SMSes and receive calls is good enough. You don't need that new car. What's wrong with the one you have now? (i would understand if you have a big family of 5 children but if you wanted to show off, let me tell you no one would care) You really honestly don't need a credit card unless you go overseas a lot and going to the money changer would be much of a hassle for you. If you say your electricity bill is really high, research ways on how to reduce it. If you find your water bill high, go implement water saving devices in your house that will greatly reduce water wastage.

So why do you go right up and say such a thing when you may not have rationalised the situation? Next time think it through before you say something because you may not have considered the point of view of someone involved in the situation/problem.

8:59 PM
Yeah baby

8:57 PM