Heart's A Mess
it makes no sense but i'm desperate to connect
March 29, 2009
Coin-Operated Boy

Qistina' just 'sploded.
Cause she's excited.
She might be getting an Ipod.

9:59 PM
March 28, 2009
Do the dance

This week's been very bearable. I've just been going through the motions. We didn't have much homework to do which is good, SYF piece is coming along nicely. I feel very alone. I'll tell you why even if you don't want to know. Cause that's just it. You don't want to know. I'm trying to talk to you but you don't seem to listen. Most of the time you are either distracted or talk to me like I'm stupid. It's my opinion so don't you fucken dare to tell me "NO, It's blah blah blah" cause If you don't wanna see how I justify my opinion then I don't bout want to hear it. If I offended you or something then tell me. "Cause there's something 'bout the way we used to be". You know, I never noticed this about you before but you always seem to talk to me in a very condescending manner. I think people are getting bored with me. So whatever, I won't let it get to me. I can always make new people.

Anyway, I'm starting to really feel The Little Prince. At the end I just want to cry. It's so sad to leave someone you love. And I get it.

7:35 PM
Me + You = We Do?

I finally plunged into the water and damn, that water's freezing. I want him to come back. I want to see him again. It's all so very frustrating.

3 days to SYF.
It's not fair.
What's the point?

7:27 PM
March 26, 2009
Pics from out lunch date at Pastamania:)

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥NISHA AND QISTINA♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ (plus Ari and Saira)

9:54 PM
March 25, 2009
Burnin' Up From That HAWT Fiya.

Don't Dance by 3OH!3 is the awesomeness. I think Nate is hot. haha. He ain't good-looking but I find him hot, just as how Roop thinks Robert Pattinson is hot/sexy(can't remember) but doesn't think he's good looking. yeah. My point: You don't have to be good looking to be hot. haha

Might tie up my hair. It's tamer at home than it is in school. grrr >:(

I've got 2 tests tmr; EMath and Chem. Chem will just pass, I pray. Math I can't say I'd do as well as I want to since LINEAR INEQUALITIES confuse me more than INDICES>.<

Imma just "Shake it, shake it like (I'm) bouts to get paid.

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7:25 PM
March 22, 2009
I melt the polar ice caps baby.

After SYF, i'll be going out quite a bit.Haha The Odyssey with Nisha and Ari and the Lizzie's Bday party. 2 WEEKS:) I just have to get through the field of homework procrastination's left me. EH! Finally the school is smart enough to stick to one timetable for the whole semester! haha. We had like 7 changes last year. Bloody annoying.

I don't know what math homework i have and I'm not sure whether we have to hand it in anot. haha.

I am looking forward to sitting with Tharanii tmr:) haha. Ms Soh don't have to drop her watch in the toilet bowl to have a shitty time. She just has to come for SS/Geog. haha. OK, I feel mean but it's the only way I pass SS/Geog. And 'sides, no one else pays attention. She very lame eh! Can make jokes about being lame also. Aiyoh.

K. better go do what ever hw is due tmr. and Physics. Crap lah.

7:19 PM
March 19, 2009
Being strong means being heartless.

Today was a I-Am-Feeling-Lazy-And-Since-It-Is-My-ONLY-Free-Day-I-Shall-Not-Bother-With-Homework-And-Leave-The-House-In-A-Mess kind of day. The kind I get at the middle of every week, esp during school weeks and this is supposed to be a school vacation. The whole point of a school vacation is for students to rest BY avoiding school but 0ne-week breaks aren't really one-week breaks. more of you'll-never-get-a-break kind of break. which makes me wonder why my parents never do give me a break, even when they're both teachers and thus they should understand how I feel since they live the education system too. Bloody homework.

Sometimes I regret having offered to do crew. I admit, I am jealous of the cast. And sometimes I think that I'm better than some of them. Which is very (insert appropriate adjective here) of me. But honestly speaking, some of them don't believe their roles. And thus their energy is very low which in turn affects the quality of the play. All I'm thinking to myself is maybe I could do better.

Cauterize is so soothing, I HEART THEM.

"there's something about the way you used to be"

10:17 PM
March 17, 2009
It's catch up with Homework that is running too fast for me day.

I have to write Norlina an essay by tmr. Chicken shit man. Damn tired. helped do some laundry. Must go for SYF tmr, mustn't forget to bring money. Must do all homework by Thursday.

Catching up with Nisha. Could you guys like put her grandma into your prayers? She's really sick and it would be nice if you guys could do it:)

damn stressed now. I need vita C. :(

I miss a whole lotta people now. Aiyah. going t sleep now. bloody tired.

10:36 PM
March 12, 2009
And all the times I spent being lonely,

Today. What do I say about today? in one word? Stressful. I guess you could say that. So much chem to do. Physics is killerz. I counted my L1R5 and guess what it is? 12 freaking points. Which means I have to ADD OIL, ADD OIL. I think imma pack some books for camp haha. cause I want 6points. which means I have to halve what I have now :O alot of work. Can die nehh.

But I had fun. Had recess with NicKoh and Ying in 3/4. I brought food cause Ying didn't haha. Poor Kiddo devoured my food before I even touched it. haha. She got the bigger piece of chicken. See I'm so nice. haha. Then after school, I helped Saira, Sarah and Hanisah get some stuff while I got biscuits for crew(if they forget to buy food for themselves). Then I helped carry some of their stuff while they bought their lunch haha. See I'm so nice:) haha.

Really, generally I'm not mean to you if you aren't mean to me. Unless of course, you hurt my friends, then I keel you.

I have to write Nic a letter, finish chem, do physics, compile a list of costumes and props, put up a notice on the LD board, return my Buddy Walk form, buy a planner, and wait a couple of hours just to see australia again.


6:26 PM
March 10, 2009

Photo Taking. I betcha I looked damn U-G-L-Y (without a good enough alibi).


Damn happy now cause I've got 4A1s :) and Not A2s (as usual) but 1B and 2Cs. and also my maid is gonna be replaced:D She so rude know, can challenge my grandmother to slap her. She don't do nothing right. Tsk Tsk Tsk.

Nisha: I don't think we're any good seriously. Our energy levels are like a diabetics blood sugar levels. seriously, and I'm not performing. I don't want to fall sick :( Thursday Imma buy snacks and honey lemon drinks for everyone who uses their voice. Very stressful. I think NJ'd do better. Mr Armstrong looked VERY disappointed.

8:39 PM
March 08, 2009
Three Days Grace

1. I feel like writing tons of Essays for SS cause it think it's fun :o

2. I should join MAHKP Youth Club at the mosque and be involved cause I want to help the Muslim community. I actually Do.

3. It would look good on my college application?

4. Though I don't know it's relevance to Drama/Theatre Studies (if I ever do that. I might do directing after actual college, really)

5. I don't know if I should stay in Singapore or go to Australia after O's. See how lah. If my results are so bad like 10 pointer or more, then I go. If not I stay here and get lost wandering the hallways with Brother(if that is I get into R(I)JC.

6. I had better go prepare for my (less than) 3-minute monologue.

7. Honestly, I can't say I hate him for what he did (not my fault he liked me. haha)

8. I HATE PHYSICS SO MUCH THAT IMMA GO DO EX6.2 and finish C1-C5 of the MCQ and structured Qs books :*(

9. Really, I do hate physics.

10. That's why Imma take CHEM in JC cause the 2n^2 things is so interesting and I wanna know more about the elements that don't gain, lose or share their electrons.

11. Speaking of chem, I'm so sad I tore part of my periodic table (heart breaks)

12. I had better get organised.


14. I am looking forward to Thursday.

15. Why? Because it starts with a T. and I technically get to leave school at one, bitches (\m/)

16. I wonder why I don't like Wednesdays... Oh yeah, I remember.

17. "You were the one with all the fame"

18. If I were a mugger, I wouldn't be in IJTP. I'd be in the schol thaat has an ugly coloured pinafore and rolled up sleeves and an unbuttoned collar which makes them look untidy.

19. I still don't see why they give caviar such a fancy name and everything else is called roe.

20. I'm gonna start calling the orange ones on sushi caviar and I don't care what you say.

21. I'm gonna invest in a Slinky toy cause they be cool.

22. Creative intellect is important too.

23. I give good luck to IJ netballers by not being able to go for the Netball matches, no matter how compulsory they make them, I'm always ALWAYS exempted -.-

24. Maybe that's why we always beat RGS. (i pray that this doesn't jinx it)

25. I really wanna punch my maid in the face sometiumes cause she never does what I ASK her to do (like NOT clear my bed or touch my table, but i always don't see my books on my table and thus wasting time searching for the books the mongrel touches)

26. She can understand english, but pretends she doesn't. I know what they teach Indonesians in school. English is taugh there mofos.

27. "You'll CHOKE"

28. I feel like writing a Lit Essay. I haven't started making notes for Raisin yet cause I don't wanna spoil the nice book.

29. i want more juice.

30. Sometimes being strong means being heartless.

31. ARGH!

32. I need more music. dayum.

33. Here we go again, it's the new and the last week.


4:02 PM
March 07, 2009
Super nice poem that I wrote in under 10mins for ENG CA ORAL.

Morning has come,
to end the night
The breaking of dawn
ends our slumber
We awake to partake
in our days work
The same task
yet Different than before
The challenges we face, with the coming of day
will make us stronger in every way
We might get lost and lose our way
but may find Hope in tomorrow's Today.

gosh "Today" is so nice. It's one of my better works so you see, I have a LONG way to go before I actually AM good. I LOVE MRS TUTTY! SHE IS SO NICE AND FUNNY! I love the English project we have now. the film thing is way fun. I am Miss Director. haha or just misdirected.

I think that i have nice...limbs. Arms and legs. haha. I'm a hairless rat. Rat cause I am annoying most times (but i'm clean and am to big to crawl through drains and am not mature enough to breed like rabbits...or rather rats)

i hate having to wash my face with face wash that seems to be a waste of money. Now I can't say that I don't wash my face and not get pimples:(

I like thinking about thinking. How other people thinking, why they often react in such a way, why some people are more thick skinned(such as I) than other people...

10:11 PM

EH MA GAWD! I AM SO PISSED NOW >.< My com won't let me log on to my account so I have to use the SLOW ONE! :( (and it's surprisingly quite fast) but none of my stuff is on this com:( So yeah, I can't listen to Love Mera Hit Hit without having to wait a LONG time for the video on youtube to buffer. Aiyoh.

Someone was using Karina's msn and asked if I wanted to have sex and I was like eeeeeewwwww NO! and the person was saying "I am King" I don't get it so I blocked the person. Damn sick.

I am talking to 2 of my favourite RI boys (and the only two I know. haha) on MSN, bruddeRyan and Zyd. Yay! I haven't seen the former since Drama Night(in July '08) and the latter since November. haha. Brudder is very fun to talk to and Zyd is unresponsive-.-

NEWSFLASH: I now have bangs and Ying is insisting that I push my fringe back but I like it cause it makes my hair look neater, i guess. But the bad thing 'bout bangs is that it makes you sweat and thus clogs your pores, forming pimples. Thank god for me, I do not get pimples and to Tabitha and Kylie: I insist that THE THING ON THE SIDE OF MY HEAD ISN'T A PIMPLE! It's a mosquito bite. (i think)

8:25 PM
March 04, 2009

I have found out 3 things today, one about myself, another about Bunny and the last one is about someone whom i will not name. One, someone does not like me because she says I'm fake. Why? because she assumes that I have a fake accent and that I try to be British. Just so you know, just because I wish to enunciate and pronounce my words well and use proper grammar does not mean that I want to be British. Hello, have you not heard of the 'Speak Good English' movement here in Singapore? I'd appreciate it if you did not just assume that I want to be British. I hope you know that the British have given many people great 'headaches'? If they did not have a divide and rule policy, things would not be so bad in Sri Lanka. It's because of you that I spend less time in mother tongue class. Please even Bunny doesn't like you which is why we study in the library during Malay. All I have to say now is, I'm sorry ma'am but you're on your own.

Bunny is so bad know. Shes two-timed someone. Tsk tsk. and this happened in P6. Aiyoh. In P6, all I was worried about was not getting canned for not etting 250 for PSLE (and I didnt get 250, 232 and I never heard the end of how big a disappointment I was-now the topic is at rest thank god).

He is such a cheat. A liar. A perv (to a certain extent). I can't believe I liked (and still do, a little though he aint worth it) him. He likes me back but has a girlfriend. Do you know how sad that is? Especially for the girlfriend. OMG! What if she finds out and wants to start a fight? No! I have goals to reach (most prolly unlike him but i don't know her so who am I to judge?). And He still got the cheek to call me cutie. OMG, he ought to get slapped. I deleted all the smses from him, not because all of the smses in my inbox was from him but cause it was full so Ah Chan couldnt sms me for a while.

And on a lighter note, yesterday was 3/3/09! Happy Birthday 3/3 :)

5:40 PM
March 01, 2009
Aware, Rust and Repair

Been pretty irresponsible lately. It's my fault really. Lets leave it as it is.

I've got a field of homework to plough through. It's major killer sec3 is. I'm hating the look of my report card already. I got a C5 for chem:( And my drama journal is still half empty. I'm dead, i swear. Just give me an F and I'll gladly pack my bads and find an asylum, something to keep me away from myself. God i feel suicidal now. Did I really think it would be so easy to score well? 2/4 is way different from 3/3. I'm in the same class as most of the prize winners. Thing is, i don't get physics (should I drop it cause i DO HAVE DRAMA) and math is confusing me. Instead of the clear line between A and E, it's a mash already. So i don't know what is A and what is E. Gosh.

Was supposed to go for tuition from 8-11. i went at 9.30. My fault really. Argh. It was quiet since the loud person didn't come. Interacted with the person beside me. haha, ArmyRule The Duck.


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1:10 PM