Heart's A Mess
it makes no sense but i'm desperate to connect
November 17, 2013
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on.

I've finally found my place in college. Dancing in oneheART has given me the space I needed to just be free to move and be myself. Everyone's been really encouraging and it's unbelievable.

We'd been spending the past two nights choreographing for our fundraiser on Monday (only a night away) and I'm anxious and excited. I really hope people appreciate our handwork and feel like they got the most out of their donations. It didn't take us much but we hope what we get can really benefit the people of the Philippines rebuilding the homes and lives in the aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan.

Maybe there isn't really much that we could do from here. We don't have doctors, we don't have medicine to give. But we have our art and we have money to send over to Habitat for Human in aiding the people. And I hope that they feel our love.

2:40 PM
November 15, 2013

i have so much i wish i could say and yet can't form the words to express how i feel. my relationship with sam might end and the thought of that tears me up inside but it seems to me like the best possible choice unless we can work out our differences. religion is a big thing. there's only so much i can believe in right now. i wish you could have faith that i'd find my way sammy. i wish you hadn't lost your patience with me and i wish i didn't make you feel suffocated like this. i want you to have so many things but it hurts to know that maybe i can't be the one to give them to you.

12:18 AM